What assignments to give younger students while on break

I will give birth next month and take a few months off to recover from childbirth and get used to taking care of a baby. I’m not sure how quickly I can get back to my usual teaching schedule because it largely depends on how soon I can get my baby into daycare.

Anyways, I want to maintain some form of contact with my current students and make sure that at least my regulars won’t switch to another teacher. That’s why I will give them weekly assignments on Ellie ([https://ellii.com/](https://ellii.com/)) or speaking assignments, such as recording themselves reading an article or answering a discussion question. I plan to do it for my adult students, but I’m still trying to figure out what to do for my younger students (7\~10 years old).

Ellie has some good content, but it would be hard for them to do it by themselves since the site is completely in English. They would need their parents to supervise them while they use a computer/tablet/etc, which I imagine would be troublesome.

Is there a good alternative? Perhaps emailing worksheets and the parents sending me photos of the result? Also, I’m pretty sure I can start teaching the younger students in about 2 months since my husband can look after the baby while I teach them at a classroom.

Any ideas would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!

1 comment
  1. First – congrats! 🎉

    Second – Kahoot would be great for this. My school was a bit tech reluctant until I showed them you could create a whole lesson by taking questions or even entire presentations from the online library (And of course changing it around some).

    Quick, easy, no stress and the kids often love it whether it’s a static assignment or interactive real time game. My competitive little jerks like the castle capture game very much and ask for it when it’s been a while since the last time

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