using Wanikani with Anki?

Hello everyone! I’ve just finished learning hiragana and katakana, and now I’m looking at using Wanikani alongside Anki, I really wanna use something like Core 2k/6k in Anki for Vocab, and alongside it Wanikani for Kanji/extra Vocab? Wanikani is Kanji focused and I really like the gamification of things that they did, I’m just wondering will this be good? or will it cause a lot of problems?

ps. I’m gonna be using Tango N5 deck before starting core 2k/6k and paying for wanikani, because I’ve seen a lot of posts here praising it as a good first deck.

  1. Wanikani helps a lot in the very very early levels but then it can cause you to burn out and quit Japanese entirely.

    Anki core is useful but not as much as making a deck yourself

  2. You should check out []( – it is free and you can control the order you learn in. It is just generally better than Anki and WK, in my opinion.

  3. It can be difficult to balance multiple SRS systems. Just be careful with how many lessons you’re doing. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by reviews when they’re split between two different applications.

  4. I used to do Anki cards before doing the actual WaniKani reviews. Looking back I would have taken a better approach instead, but otherwise, I consistently kept up with reviews at the time before life got in the way. I put off WaniKani for so long that I’m too anxious to get into it right now. I have focused on grammar, writing, and listening; my reading workflow is not set up yet. My apps for studying are:

    * Grammar: Bunpro (connected to WaniKani API Key)
    * Writing: Ringotan (using WaniKani level order)
    * Listening: Animelon (Japanese YouTube channel interests not decided yet)
    * Reading (not started/not set up): Satori Reader (connected to WaniKani API Key)
    * Kanji/Vocabulary (not actively studying): WaniKani & Anki (sentence mining workflow for Anki not set up yet), []( (for use with Animelon)

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