(DYNAMITE SPOILER) Will Ospreay comments on a certain ‘fans’ applause.

(DYNAMITE SPOILER) Will Ospreay comments on a certain ‘fans’ applause.

  1. Cannot wait for Danielson vs. Okada, also cannot wait for the hopefully equally inevitable Danielson vs. Ospreay.

  2. Nice, so this is how they keep Will involved until Wembley. Let’s keep it rolling lads! (and then a wee break for the G1)

  3. This account just makes up interviews. Don’t take anything it says seriously

  4. Will will always be Okada’s young boy, there has to be a part of him that does not appreciate Dragon’s lack of respect towards Kazu.

  5. Saying “crUE” instead of “crew” or “my stable” sounded really badass.

  6. Hell yeah. Gimme a couple of months of these two being utter shitheads to each other and then tear the house down.

  7. the plot thickens. It’s almost as though they’re teasing Ospreay vs Danielson at Wembley…..

    And as soon as Fletcher heals up, you can have all of the UE feud with the BCC until then.

  8. Notice than when Will attacked Kenny, the camera moves to Don Callis clapping at what’s happening. He did mentioned in earlier episodes that he’s bringing “his family” and not just Takeshita. May imply he may have allied himself with Will and UE given that neither of them are officially allies of the BCC.

  9. The eventual Ospreay vs. Danielson match is going to be something incredible. I can’t even imagine the shit they’re going to come up with.

    Hell, Ospreay vs. anybody is a dream match. The man is the best in the world.

  10. Bruv!







    Will Ospreay gonna defending his US IWGP title against Bryan Danielson at Wembley?

  11. Will is the face in this feud in NJPW. Kenny is the face in this feud in AEW. It’s awkward and for once Will’s natural brattiness and bluster makes sense. FYM makes sense.

  12. Perfect for All In. Danielson likes to put people over and Ospreay should win in his home country.

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