Have you ever used the repair service for Sharp? My TV recorder HD disk died. I can request someone come over to repair it. Wondering if it’s worth it

I have a Sharp TV recorder (model bd t-1800) and it seems to have died. Even after unplugging and rebooting I get the


message. I can use the TV but I can’t recored or view my recordings. I know these things die, but I want some of the programing on the hard disk. I went through the user manual and the only suggestion is to schedule a repair. To my surprise, they come to your home for the repair. ([Here’s the link for the reservation](https://jp.sharp/support/repair.html), if you’re interested.)

I was wondering if anyone here ever used the service. If so, is it worth the cost? More importantly, has anyone here had a similar hard disk problem with their recorder and been able to get the recordings from the Hard Disk?

  1. If they come to repair it they will just swap the disc. They won’t do data recovery.

  2. I think you will just have to accept that your hard disk is gone. Your recorder type came out in 2015, it’s somewhat past the lifespan of hdd. The serviceman won’t even attempt data recovery, those things cost a lot even for professionals.

    Just answering your question, yes I’ve called official serviceman before. What they do is that they’ll come, assess the damage and give you a quote for the repair. You can choose to accept or refuse the quote there, but they might still charge you for the trip to your house.

    I’ve learnt to accept that HDD recorder is just temporary ephemeral solution. If they’re gone then so be it. They’re even tied to the device, you can’t move the hdd to a different device. If you want a more semi permanent solution, you should get a bluray type recorder that allows you to record straight to bluray. Bluray media last way longer than hdd.

  3. Repair and data recovery are two very different things. The latter is also way more expensive. Absolutely not worth it unless the TV programmes you recorded are somehow significant.

  4. as others said, recordings are encrypted and tied to your particular device. with a dead hdd they’re completely gone. house visit repair is quite common, I’ve had it done with Toshiba before. It’s usually a contractor that visits, not actual sharp/etc employee. Your device is old, out of warranty, and it will definitely be cheaper to buy a new one at this point.

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