International service that assist with japanese bureaucracy

Are their any service that assist (hand holders) with Japanese bureaucracy? By bureaucracy I mean agents dedicated to helping you with getting a drivers licence, helping you setup a business, legal obligations, home buying ect.

If not, would people be interested in a service like this?

I came here (as an American) from Vietnam. They had multiple different services that could help you work your way through the system. Essentially they would have an agent on staff that was geared specifically to you needs. They would go to the government offices with you, help you translate the documents, translate the conversation, and give you their opinions and/or facts on the whatever you needed help with. It made the convince fact outweighed the cost ten fold. You would be hiring

I am thinking of starting a business like this here in Japan. Would anyone be interested in a service like this, if one isn’t already established?

Please let me know you thought!

  1. There are multiple services that do just that and have been for years. The first time I came here my company hired one such service that found us a house, negotiated the lease, took us to rent furniture, when we got here had a service come make curtains, held my hand while registering with the city, took me to get a bank account, registered us for the child subsidies, etc..

    And the hilarious part was it’s not like my wife isn’t Japanese it was just why should we do it when the company is willing to pay for it.

  2. English speaking accountants will set up a business for you, including all the paperwork, for fee. I think you have a to be licensed to write and submit some forms on behalf of someone else. You’ll need to check though.

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