Picking up work visa

Hi guys!

You might remember me as the person who was stressing about their work visa approval taking a long time, well the postcard finally came!!

Unfortunately though I didn’t know that you need proof of graduation to pick up your new visa.
I unfortunately do not have my diploma since I have to request it from my school and it takes time to process. I have my digital diploma and I can also request a graduation confirmation letter from my school which can be processed quickly.

Is that enough to pick up the new visa? Or do I need my original diploma? What did you guys do when you picked up your work visa?

All advice is appreciated I only have until the 23rd to pick up my visa so I’m kinda stressing out..
Thank you!

1 comment
  1. > I can also request a graduation confirmation letter

    I take it you mean 卒業証明書?

    If so, then that should work according to the info on immigration’s website for switching from a student visa to a working visa ([here](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/10_00012.html), 2nd pdf).

    Note that a 卒業証明書 is different than the actual diploma (卒業証書) and should generally be quicker for the school to process.

    > I only have until the 23rd to pick up my visa so I’m kinda stressing out.

    Just a guess but if it doesn’t seem like you can get your confirmation doc in time, immigration will probably accommodate you if you give them a call and explain the situation.

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