Tokyo in mid-end august

Want to go to Japan in mid-end august but scared about the possibility of typhoons and the high temperatures with humidity. I am from New York City, is it much worse than that?I am most scared of the risk of typhoons. I would be in Tokyo. The only other time I would be able to go would be in mid to late January or early February. I am wondering what would be a better time to go?

  1. Would you rather be cold or hot? Is there something you want to do that is August dependent? If not, if it were me, I would go in Jan/Feb. Unless you know for a fact that everywhere you’ll be staying has air conditioning.

  2. Given the choice, I would go January/February. Gives you more time to plan appropriately, book good deals for hotels. Right now booking flights etc will be more expensive

  3. That is absolutely the worst time to come to Japan. You cannot imagine the humidity. It is miserable and would be a waste of your money and time. Any time from late September to mid June is okay. The winters are even very mild and nice. In summer, stay the fuck away.

  4. Absolutely do not go in August

    You are better off going in Jan Feb and the flights will be cheaper

    NYC cold is much colder than Japan

  5. I’m from Texas and the heat&humidity only at 85degrees at Disney sea this week made me very uncomfortable. You couldn’t pay me to be here in July or August as a tourist.

  6. August has obon holidays too so less people in Tokyo but more else where.

    But weather is similar to New York but winter is not as cold unless u go to Hokkaido.

    Typhoon is unpredictable we already had 2 of them this year which is really rare. But summer squalls are a thing now.

    Good thing about winter less bugs and mosquitoes, unless u like those sort of things.

  7. I think I’m the minority but end of august nyc jungle didn’t feel that different from Tokyo for me. I’ve been taking my family back there since it lines up well with summer camps etc.
    January is ok but I hate cold and nyc apartments are so nice and well insulated and heated. In Japan, insulation is not as good so it’ll be fine in bigger hotels etc but smaller inns and airbnbs feels much colder to me

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