Processing time Registering Marriage at US consulate?

Hello, has anyone registered their marriage in the US at a consulate and happen to know how long it took for the koseki tohon to reflect the marriage?

I am a US citizen spouse of a Japanese Citizen, we are trying to get me a visa to come to Japan for a short emergency trip. In order to get the visa, they need a koseki tohon showing our US marriage. Unfortunately, my wife never registered it so they said we need to do that first.

Just curious how long it will take for the kon-in todoke to process first before we can provide a koseki tohon showing our marriage? We are pressed for time due to a family emergency. Thank you in advance!

  1. We added a child to my wife’s koeseki but If I recall correctly, it took a few weeks(Before Covid). The original form has to go from the consulate to Japan then sent to the city hall where your wife’s Koeseki is located and information updated. Then of course you need someone to go to city hall and get the new koeseki and send it to you in America.

  2. I think it depends on the city or ward where your wife’s koseki is. Best to ask the city/ward office.

    This particular ward of Osaka City said a week after the konin-todoke was submitted in person, but it was reflected sooner

  3. My wife put me in her koseki through the US consulate last year. It took about one month for our marriage to show up. They told us it would take 2-3 months, so it’s possible that it can take longer.

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