Interac Turns a Corner in Negotiations With Tozen Union

**Interac Turns a Corner in Negotiations With Tozen Union**




To recap: real wages for teachers at Interac, Japan’s largest dispatch company for English teachers, have been going down for more than fifteen years. In recent years it has reached the point where employees are struggling to afford basic necessities. In 2019, after two previous tussles with Interac, employees at Tozen Union called them back to the negotiating table.




Things seemed to go well at first, but Interac consistently refused a basic wage increase. In the end, we were forced to go on strike. In retaliation, Interac refused to sign agreements that were all but settled and began harassing our members, and we have had to sue them at Tokyo Labor Commission.




Now, after three years of striking and more than four years of negotiations, Interac have finally started moving towards a settlement.




So far, we have had six hearings at the Labor Commission. Our original claim was for company financial data. Interac said they couldn’t afford to raise our pay, and we asked them to prove it—this is standard practice in Japan. They shared financial data once in 2019, for one of their subsidiaries, which showed they were doing exceptionally well financially—yet they still refused to raise our pay. Because of this and many other issues, we entered dispute and began striking.




Interac then refused any further financial disclosures, claiming it would violate Tokyo Stock Exchange’s rules against insider trading. We couldn’t find any relevant clauses in the regulations, so we asked management to point them out—they could not. So, we went to the Labor Commission and sued them for bad faith negotiation: by law, if they refuse to meet a union demand, they have to give a good reason why. Disclosing financial data to unions is common in these situations.




While our case is being heard, the commissioners have made it clear that they expect us to continue to attempt to settle our issues. Interac was instructed to negotiate specifically over financial disclosures. However, when we got back around the table they refused, saying only, “We’ll discuss it at the Labor Commission.”


東京労働委員会は、私たちの訴訟が審理されている間においても、インタラックと労組が引き続き問題の解決を試みる交渉をすることを期待する明言している。インタラックは、特に財務情報開示について交渉するよう指示を受けたにも関わらず、交渉の場になると「労働委員会で話し合う 」と言い、拒否し続けた。


We were therefore forced to add this to our case. We believe this is a clear instance of Interac breaking trade union law.




By this point, Interac had begun flagrantly violating our rights left and right, harassing us at work and at home, even finding a way to fire one of our members. In each instance, we filed an additional claim with the Commission.




And then something interesting happened. After months of striking and suing, this April 12th Interac offered to disclose the finances of their subsidiaries that employ our members. In return, they asked us to withdraw our original claim for financial disclosure and the new claim for refusal to negotiate.




We told Interac that we would consider their proposal, but that we’re hoping to settle the entire case, not just parts of it. We very much want to settle everything with Interac. Our next hearing will be on June 13th, 2023. Check back then to see how it went!




Watch the video version of this article: [](


Read the article on our website: [](

  1. Good luck

    Edit – I genuinely mean that not sarcastically or anything. Sounds like a lot of good work is being put in to improve the industry 👍🏼

  2. Bearing in mind that I know nothing about Interac.

    I don’t understand the part about them being unwilling to disclose their financial data, if they’re a publicly listed company, would all of their financials not be made publicly available in their annual reports at the very least. That would detail revenue, operational costs, and profit.

    The nonsense about “insider trading” is already covered by law.

    However, there are also mentions of “subsidiaries”, are they concealing things from their shareholders?

  3. I’m baffled by two things.

    One is, why does Tozen believe they have a right to a company’s private data? If something is listed publicly, of course that information is available to all. But if I worked for Amazon, for example, I can’t just walk into Jeff Bezos’ office and demand to see the numbers to determine if he can pay me more.

    Second, why does Tozen feel it speaks for Interac employees? I’m an Interac employee, I have no idea who these people are and certainly have not given them any consent to speak for me. Some employees of Tozen may well be Interac employees, current or past, but unless there’s a company-wide vote with a clear majority, how can they claim the right to speak for the employees?

  4. Weird cult, bros.
    Honestly if you put the effort into opening your own company instead you’d be making twice your salary by now. You don’t like the salary? Get a new fucking job.

  5. I think it’s pretty clear they have no real intention of negotiating. They’re trying to show the labor commission “look, we’re TRYING” while actually not doing anything. It’s a delay tactic. All I can say is, good luck to you and I do hope you eventually get some concessions.

  6. Absolute trash company. They get paid a lot by the BOE for each teacher placed and yet pay their teachers a pittance. The BOE needs to realize what they are doing and stop giving them the contract. Start hiring teachers directly for gods sake!

  7. Solidarity from the GU. I hope they come back to the table so you can sort this out.

  8. Don’t give up! I really hope this can set a precedent and make things better for future workers

  9. I hope this has a happy ending for the ALTs. I interviewed for Interac back in the states and the dude that ran the interview literally said we are nothing more than products for Interact to sell equating us to the likes of toilet paper at the store. 😅

  10. Good, got burned by them a few years ago and then got burned by the contracting company for Epic Games last year (even though that’s unrelated).

    Anything I can do to contribute?

  11. Go to the meeting and don’t budge. Those guys went apeshit on me for knowing social insurance laws from the presentation. I never got hired by them because the interview lady was scared of me.

  12. Good luck. I have worked for not interac and owls and they are both shit. I can barely afford to pay rent and utilities and yet I’m working 40 hours a week. They all have an excuse for no pay raises but want you to go above and beyond at work. If I’m paid properly I’ll work harder pretty sure that’s true at any job

  13. Why would they increase wages? It’s a dead-end job and there is no lack of people waiting to fill the shoes of those who quit.

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