Actor Kento Nagayama arrested for weed possession in Tokyo

Actor Kento Nagayama arrested for weed possession in Tokyo

  1. I understand the stigma still surrounding marijuana and cultural differences…but weed is not as nearly as bad or dangerous as so many other things that people could get into including alcohol…maybe one day in the future once the next generation begins to take political office things can become more accepting…I mean Thailand has legalized it medically and decriminalized it recreationally and has not seen any issues thus far…maybe they can help other asian nations become more progressive towards it…

  2. It’s too bad. I liked him in Cold Case. I thought he’s one of the few non-bishonen-type of actors who can actually act.

  3. I don’t smoke here because I don’t want an issue but Japan really, really needs to let the whole “weed is dangerous and will destroy your life” mentality go.

    If anything, the Japanese could use a good joint after work to calm down, but nope, weed is just as bad as black tar heroin or meth or whatever else.

    If generic salary man Taro san goes to a bar and gets shit faced after work then proceeds to go home and beat the ever loving shit out of his wife, that’s fine apparently…

  4. It’s good to see some progress in the form of Warner Bros not cutting his scenes from Tokyo Revengers 2. Until now this was standard for any performer being arrested, Pierre Taki for one.

  5. Well here goes the Japanese film industry unpersoning another actor. This is probably the last time you will ever hear about this dude.

  6. Why comment sections make it culturally specific to Japan, its illegal in many countries for exactly same reason.

  7. I always wage that when these JP celebs are turned in for having small amounts of drugs at home, it’s an angry recent-ex that turns them in.

  8. He should have just gotten blackout drunk like everyone else, that’s much better /s

  9. Used to smoke weed before I moved to Japan sometimes.
    Don’t do it in Japan because, well, obvious reasons but I’ve gotta say.
    If you really really want to get high, just do THCH instead and just avoid any legal issues.

  10. Oh no, not the devil’s lettuce! Definitely destroy his entire career now fr fr

  11. Sailing ships used to universally use hemp ropes. DuPont had just invented synthetic rope and lobbied to make hemp a narcotic which immediately killed the hemp rope industry. Overnight DuPont cornered the global naval rope market and made $ Billions…with a B.

  12. I personally don’t care if people use weed in their own spaces, but I find the scent to be very unpleasant and hope that if they do reduce restrictions they ensure that people don’t use it in public or in designated spaces.

  13. This is so cringe , Japans young people need to get the old geezers in line or at least replace them. Weed is basically harmless and if adults wanna partake it’s none of the states god damn business. If anything it might help japans shrinking economy.

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