Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 12, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Why are there different kanji for words with the same reading and same meaning? For example, よる as in ‘to choose’ can be written 択る or 選る. Does it make a difference which I use, since they mean the same thing?

  2. I saw this example sentence:「分**かった**人は手を上げてください。」

    It’s English translation was “Raise your hand if you know the answer.”

    Why was the past tense form used instead of 分**かる**?Wouldn’t this sentence (literally) mean “Raise your hand if you *knew* the answer”?

  3. I’m using an online learning app and it said that “shiro” was written as しろ in Japanese but then I googled it later and it showed 白 as the writing of shiro. I’m confused now, I’m guessing that しろ is the basic structure of it and 白 is more advanced but I’m not quite sure which to use/which is preferred.

  4. I am reading a children’s book from our local Japanese community center. I’m stuck on a translation that reads


    In this sentence what does Karikarikitesa mean? From my research I gather karikari means crunchy or grumpily and from the photos in the book the dad looks grumpy. However I couldn’t figure out what kitesa means

  5. Recently I came across a manga with a title of  ’シンデレラは探さない’。But the english translation is ‘Cinderalla found her Prince’. Should’nt the title be ‘I Cannot find Cinderella’?

    Is there any deeper meaning for this translation? Or do they changed just to make it sound better in English? Because there’s a movie call ‘Paper Towns’ but in German translation they changed to ‘Margos Spuren’ which means ‘traces of Margos’ is it in the same situation?

  6. can somebody help me with this question number 70

    the one with Yamada-san part time job, why the correct answer is three choices? and which are those?
    The obvious one are number 7 and 8, and the other one is?

    I though since Yamada san can do 1 day or 2 days, I thought job number 2, 3 are also possible?
    In job 5, column 条件, Does 週1日 and 週1回 have different meaning?

  7. An anki deck gives me the following example sentence for the word ご存じ: 彼の名前をご存じですか

    What allows the noun ご存じ to be used with を? Is there anything particular with this noun that lets it act like a verb? Are there other words that work the same way?

  8. Is there a phrase (or sentence) to ask if a certain grammar/word is more common in spoken language vs written language?

  9. Hi

    I’d like to say : “The map and the food are here. I can see my compass and my weapon. I’m ready”

    I have this right now but it feels wrong that something is missing between the first and second sentence. How can I make the following better ?

    地図と食べ物はここ。コンパスと武器が見える。 準備はできている。


  10. So what the meaning of 先まで?
    I found this definition:


    So I guess it should mean till the end of the hands/legs?
    but i thought 先 is translate to “Before” so it is a bit weird for me ^_^”

  11. I’m going back to college after dropping out and I chose to study Japanese, any tips? I’d like to prepare in advance so I’m not instantly feeling overwhelmed.

  12. I want to make some faster progress on vocabulary so I’m trying out sentence mining. For the seasoned sentence-miners:

    How do you avoid it sapping the fun from the material? I find I’m uneasy about missing useful sentences (especially since the VN I am reading does not have a persistent backlog). Have you found it detrimental to have too many examples from the same scenes? I am guessing that fewer examples from each scene makes them stronger, but it’s hard to resist snapping just about everything…

    I’m also unsure if I benefit from “deep” analysis of these sentences (e.g. to put a translation on the back of the card), or if it’s just slowing me down. I believe that I understand many sentences where translating or explaining them is difficult.

  13. I was wondering if there’s a website with free manga in Japanese, but posted by the creators themselves? Like Webtoons, but from Japanese creators. If you know any, please reply!

  14. I came across 考えてもみて。 and now wondering whats the difference between 考えてもみて and 考えてみて?

    Does the first mean to **also** consider something else? For example この可能性も考えてみて. Or has the も a different meaning?

  15. Someone in another reply linked to [a Tae Kim page](https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/honorific#Honorific_and_Humble_Conjugations). I saw there

    > よろしくお願いします。

    translated as

    > I properly make request.

    I always thought that the よろしく here refers to the way we expect the listener to act towards us, not the way we make the request. I found a Cure Dolly video on the phrase and it seems to agree with my understanding.

    So, is Tae Kim wrong here?

  16. お礼を言われる筋合いはありません。あくまで可能性の一つを提示したまでです

    まで here sounds like it could be replaced by だけ? But how do you differentiate when to use まで or だけ?

  17. I’m on lesson 2 of Genki and it’s been a while since I’ve done Lesson 1. Rather than just constantly going back everytime I feel I forget stuff would it be wise if I made my own Anki deck with sentences using whole the whole grammar point?

    So as well as doing the vocab anki I’d also be doing sentences from the book. Or is there already an Anki deck for those specific sentences?

    Say in lesson 1 you get this to write in Japanese “Is Takeshi a student at Sakura University”

    Which in Japanese is たけしさんはさくらだいがくのがくせいですか

    It probably seems like a good idea to have occasional recaps of entire sentences from past lessons.

    I go onto lesson 2 and I’m learning new things and then it’s like my memory is getting fazy on the old stuff.

    What do you guys think? Is this a good idea? It would be less about learning the particular words like たけし or

    だいがく and more about memorising the proper grammar structures that would go into these sentences.

  18. How do you say “Cantonese” in Japanese?




    Or do Mandarin and Cantonese fall under


  19. I hope this is the right thread for this, but I’m looking for some folks to practice with. My skill level is pretty basic–I can read hiragana and katakana, know some mostly arbitrary words (I would struggle to form a sentence but would recognize parts of what’s being said.)

    Both early learners as well as fluent speakers with a lot of patience would be very helpful. 🙂

  20. 喧嘩する流れを自ら作ってください

    I’m struggling to understand how 流れ fits into this sentence. Does this mean “Please create your own series of arguments/fights?” I’m not sure on this one.

    Context: This is character instructions for a theater play with 3 other people.

  21. So I was researching things about kanji like the forms and stuff, and I stumbled upon onyomi and kunyomi and snce I’ve just started learning kanji, this only baffled me. Are they important for learning kanji?

    Also what are some tips for learning kanji efficiently? (I’m starting off with radicals).

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