Referees/References for University Applications

I’ve tried looking for information regarding this but seem to have hit a wall.

Browsing the various Universities in Japan that offer placements for English students, all of the ones that I’ve seen ask for evaluations/references from a high school or university.

I’m curious to know what the others on here who are in a similar situation as me as being older (28) and haven’t been in education for a while (graduated college 10 years ago) have done for said requirements.

Also if anyone has any experience with applying to Tokyo PEAK I’m wondering how flexible they are with the application process; as per above my main worry is requirement **4. Application (3) Evaluations**

  1. I forgot to add also – does anyone know if its possible to apply for a student visa while you’re in Japan? I should be in-country on a WHV this year when I make my application(s) and I know there’s an application process to change your visa mid-way if needed, however I don’t know if this is restricted to work/spouse only.

  2. You have zero undergrad experience or diploma?

    Japanese universities are generally age restricted, which means you “cannot” successfully apply to them if you are over a certain age, and since you’re 28, that’s a hard request to go back to undergrad in Japan. Most 28 year olds are entering grad school. Like, there’s a whole scandal about this age restriction concerning universities and the way they cockblock late bloomers or career changers because of age. Just look up “Sai no Kawara”, a guy who was trying to get into med school at 30 and kept getting rejected cause of his age.

    Spoiler alert: the scandal got him in

    Anyway, in regards to references, they usually don’t balk on them. If they require an academic reference, you gotta get it. But usually in lieu of an academic reference, one from your employer usually works as well. There’s really no way around it though.

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