First of all, this is not an advertisement 🙂
Since the launch of Ahamo, I was interested however it’s limited to online application (they did called me by phone but unable to communicate in Japanese so I gave up). Last night I was walking around inside Yodobashi with my wife, looking at those phones and of course salesman came up to introduce. I expressed the interest to OCN first (since I think application can be done in store) but they don’t have any plan beyond 10GB data, suddenly the salesman mentioned Ahamo but I responded with “the online application thing is complicated” and planned to leave the counter. The guy knew I don’t speak much Japanese so he found another one to tell me that “we can do the Ahamo application here!”. Wow that’s the first surprise because I could not imagine there exist such an undocumented service?!
Started all those workflow on checking status, and because I almost never login my previous Y Mobile web so I wasn’t able to get the information for MNP, with staff assistant there I just sit there and wait, whole process was kind of smooth and carrier switched to Ahamo in about 2hrs. Without them I probably never make this carrier switching myself 😛
The 2nd surprise, when we were at checkout counter, they told me “You got 20K Yodobashi point for this MNP”, oh what…..? I only expect this to happen when switching to those 1st tier (Docomo/ Au/ SoftBank), and Ahamo website doesn’t have any promotion showing. The saleman further clarified: “20K Yodobashih points each person, so you 2 switched to Ahamo together means 40K points total”. Alright now I know I can get some free computer stuff inside the store. I am sure these definitely won’t happen if I am visiting those Docomo outlets.