Has anyone worked with MTK International Inc through Hello-Sensei?

Just as the title states, I’m curious if anyone accepted a contract from MTK International Inc. on Hello-Sensei. Recently was presented with a lesson one day a week in the evening supposedly at the student’s residence and the company seemed rather pressed to find someone for that position. They asked for my zairyu card and asked me to start immediately, but haven’t requested my banking information or my address despite saying they pay by check. After I said I can start, they haven’t been swift with a response in regards to those inquiries. Not really sure if I want to go if I haven’t secured the fact that they will actually be paying me.

So I guess my question is if they are legit. It’s an easy source for pocket money and no big deal to go, but I’m having second thoughts about going through a company just for a couple hours a week. But maybe this is how Hello-Sensei works?

  1. Do you have a contract?

    Does the contract state the rate and pay date?

    If not, avoid. That’s illegal AF.

  2. You will have nothing but headache after headache if you deal with this company. They pay late (or not at all), they are incredibly disorganized, and as you’ve already noticed they don’t respond to emails in a timely fashion. Avoid like the plague!

  3. Be very very careful with this company. My friend was contacted by them on hello sensei and he politely told them he was only looking for private students. The dude he was corresponding with got super mad and sent hello sensei an email making shit up and got his account closed (if a paying Japanese customer makes a complaint, especially against a foreigner then companies are quick to oblige without hearing the other side).

    Furthermore, stay away from those companies that send you out to students’ houses with no material / training

  4. They are constantly scrambling around looking for any warm body to fill the gap. The turnover rate is incredibly high, probably because most teachers get disgusted and quit within months. My guess is that they are keeping you on the back burner while they look around for more gullible hires (newbies, students) who won’t ask awkward questions about contracts, etc.

    Please don’t waste your time with this company.

  5. I did a few years ago. They had a few clients in my local area. After I found out they were charging the client 5000Â¥/lesson and only paying me 3000Â¥, after the clients had used up their first 4 lesson tokens I spoke with them after a lesson and just took them on privately for 4000Â¥. I got more, they paid less, no middle man.

    The company was awful at communication but did pay me that 1 month on time. Use them and abuse them

  6. Who pays by check? I’d pass. Or do the meet and greet, first day they are late paying you, tell your students and go direct.

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