Off peak commuter pass

I am an idiot.

Now that has been set aside, I need advice or help, not a roast. I bought a one month commuter pass, and idiotically chose the off peak option. My commute it seems are not during peak hours, so now I have to pay full fare on top of the commuter pass.

Is there a way I could just topup the extra to convert it to non off peak? the machine doth rejected my card though when I pressed on commuter pass option….😭

UPDATE: went to the counter and used my rudimentary Japanese to get a refund, though I didn’t get a full one, because I already used it one way (despite getting charged full fare). they reset it so I could set a new pass.

Thanks for all the advice!

  1. How many months is it? Normally you can cancel and get a refund for your commuter pass, but they prorate it up to the last whole month. I. E. If you bought a 6 month pass and used 1.5 months, you can only get 4 months worth of refund.

    I don’t know about changing the type though.

  2. I accidentally converted my expiring train commuter pass to a bus pass once. Just go to the office and explain. They’ll refund the money and you’ll need to re-buy the correct route.

  3. The off peak pass is bonkers stupid. Unless you have a short commute or work from the middle of the day to late at night it’s practically a waste of money imo.

  4. If you go to the office at the station you can even cancel your commuter pass and get your money back. There’s often a specialized window for that at bigger stations.

    If you just go there and explain your situation/mistake, they can probably fix it.

  5. how does one get a off-peak commuter’s pass?

    I’ve never seen this option before. I just always got the commuter’s pass.

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