Backpack Recommendations for Mt. Fuji Hike

Hello everyone! I’m hoping to hike Mt. Fuji this year or next year and was wondering if people have any backpack (or other equipment) suggestions. I have one of those small hydration pack backpacks that I use for day hikes and a normal backpack for going out but I don’t think either is ideal for the Mt. Fuji hike or any other big hike like that. Back in the US I’d just go to REI and look at stuff but I’m not sure what shop options Japan has since I want to actually look at and try on backpacks.

Does anyone have any backpack suggestions or backpack features to look for? Thanks!

Edit: removed ideal budget because a good backpack will cost money and I realize there is no way around it.

  1. Fuji is not that big of a hike. I think the backpacks you already have should be fine. What do you plan to carry with you? You should start with making a list and decide whether you need to buy/rent a new one.

  2. imo, less is more. Use a comfortable backpack that can carry water, some snacks, and maybe a poncho or rain jacket. You don’t need a rucksack or anything crazy like that.

    If I do Fuji again, I’m just stuffing a bunch of Snickers bars and a camelback bladder into a backpack and going.

  3. The recycle shops like 2nd Street usually have lots of bags, including backpacks, you can try them out and get them for much less than they would be new. If you want cheapish/new Decathlon or Workman

  4. Fuji really isn’t that huge or onerous of a hike; lots of pretty unfit people do it all the time, and you shouldn’t need to carry much besides water and snacks and some warmer clothing + rain gear in case of inclement weather.

    If you want to use this as an opportunity to get a decent pack that you’ll also otherwise use, then go for it. Just look up well-reviewed packs in your price range. If you’re looking to get a pack *just* for Mt. Fuji and don’t want to spend money then you should just use what you have now.

  5. I thought Kita-dake was much more challenging, tbh. Fuji is basically a longish walk up a slope until you get near the top, then it becomes a little bit of a scramble. Dress appropriately and bring enough for an overnight stay at a station. We did it from the bottom (don’t recommend that) and it was pretty leisurely.

  6. It’s not a difficult hike, but, and I really can’t stress this enough; bring clothes. If you are planning on getting there for the sunrise, bring more clothes than you even think you can fit on. It’s cold.

  7. Check out maunga online for good deals on user backpacks, though just something that can hold a jacket water and some snacks is more than enough. There are tons of shops all the way to the top of the trail, and they even take paypay, so you buy extra water, food, clothes, socks, etc

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