Immigration by mail/post

I’ve tried to research but can’t find anything about it. Does anyone know if it’s possible to do immigration things via mail?

I need to go to immigration just to get my part time work permission stamp. I already applied and it was granted, and now I just need to go to get the actual stamp put on my card.

I struggle with AuDHD and anxiety, and the whole process of travelling there and back, and waiting there for 2 hours in a huge room crammed with people, is too overwhelming and overstimulating. I’m crying just thinking about having to go and for sure if I go there I will have a panic attack. I have no idea what to do.

Anyone know anything about this or have any advice? Thank you!

  1. Nope.
    No mail.

    It’s either Online or going there by yourself.
    If you have my Number card you can do it online.

  2. I’m not sure about the permission stamp, but picking up approved extensions doesn’t take two hours – it’s relatively quick (maybe 30 minutes) compared to the application drop off, which can take 2+ hours.

    If you need a revenue stamp, be sure to buy that at a post office (or convenience store) before going so as not to wait in the long line at the immigration convenience store.

  3. how do you plan to work with this kind of symptoms if even sitting in the line makes you panic?

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