enjoying the varieties of protein @ Kinjiro in El Lay’s Little Tokyo

enjoying the varieties of protein @ Kinjiro in El Lay’s Little Tokyo

1 comment
  1. I am sure everything tasted delicious, but as a chef hot damn does the presentation and execution seems to be seriously lacking for the price and location. The oyster presentation is horrible and wasteful and should have been served in the shell preserving the natural brine on ice with ponzu, edible flowers, etc (the natural brine of the oyster is quintessential, you elevate it with ponzu not throw it away take out the bare oyster and plop it on a plate then use ponzu as a pool for the oyster to swim in) …the steak is horrifically underdone (a5 / wagyu is best medium vs med rare like other steaks to help release the umami flavor of the fat), and the udon is legit dry udon from a box. Fresh made udon looks nothing like that.

    This place is in LA, there is too much competition to not execute and present food at the highest standard to customers. What the chef did to those oysters, steak, and udon should be a crime. Luckily chef’s court has zero penalties and is held after close at some dive bar where everyone from the industry flocks where ego’s are stroked or broken 😂

    Osen, Shibumi, or Soregashi > Kinjiro

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