Thank LearnJapanese subreddit! Let’s be penpals to study and wish this subreddit will be active again together if you’d like.





当時、このサブは、初心者に厳しいと言われ、初心者用として別のサブが作られたりもしていた時代で、ちょうど、Lang-8 が新規登録できなくなった頃だったか… ここでペンパルや添削仲間を探したり、質問者の投稿を読んだり、回答したりしながら、英語を学んでいました。






Hello there,


It was about 6 years ago when I met this subreddit first, and I think there were about 40,000 subscribers at that time.


Around that time, it was said that this subreddit was tough for beginners, and some separate subreddits were created for beginners, I remember. I wonder if that was just around the time Lang-8 could no longer be registered as a new member…, I was looking for penpals and correctors and also was learning English while reading various posts of questioners and answering them.


So far, I have exchanged messages with about 500 people, including other language exchange sites. Well, I lost contact with most(99%) of them, but some of them came all the way to Japan to meet me, and I still keep in touch with some of my friends. In that sense, this subreddit was very impressive to me.


I don’t know what will happen to this subreddit in the future, but as a Japanese person, I would like to thank people who are learning Japanese and this subreddit, wish it to be active again, and would like to recruit penpals to keep both our studies. My hobbies include anime, music, cooking, computers, and exchanging messages. If you are interested, please send me a message with your self-introduction (in Japanese if possible).

1 comment
  1. こんにちは、randomguy4o4です。二年半前から日本語勉強始めました。趣味はアニメとか音楽とかゲームです。よかったら私と交換しませんか?Discordでいいですか?

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