Statement of Physician Additional Medical Info


I had my psychiatrist fill out my form for the statement of physician, but was kind of concerned about one thing. She wanted to fill out a blank version herself (we do telehealth, cant meet her in person) instead of having me write the issues in on the applicant side and her filling in the physician side and such. Anyways she wrote all of my things I require meds for down but in the additional medical disorders not listed above section she wrote in my autism spectrum disorder (don’t worry I am very well adjusted and am not concerned about the autism specifically but read on); I’m just wondering if this will make it look like I was trying to hide it, and if I am supposed to fill it in myself in the application itself (where you check off which issues you have) or if I shouldn’t because she put it in additional? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I’m just concerned about being disqualified due to this, and am wondering if I should request she puts the autism spectrum disorder in the chart as well instead of the additional section. Thank you!

  1. I am not 100% sure about the rules so please contact the jet program which you can do when you log in with questions I thik it’s in the inbox section of the application.

    1. You can fill the form out
    2. I would include your autism spectrum disorder as it won’t disqualify you and if they want you to elaborate it durring a interview you can explain the ways you manage it. Turn something your worried about into a positive.

    It seems like it’s more important to actually list the medical condition compared to which category it is located.

    I would highly recommend messaging the jet program and just ask is it okay they had a response time for my questions.

  2. I would absolutely message them as it’s not a problem to mention it either way but they can and will disqualify based on discrepancies.

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