Hi all, having moved to a new house in Tokyo I installed a Softbank Hikari modem of [this type](https://ns-air.net/media/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/softbankhikari_wifi_multipack_hikaribbunit.jpg). The optic fiber box is a GE-ONU of [this type](https://kaisen-sokudo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/5.png).
I work in tech and am in meetings most of the day – the connection will randomly drop about every hour or two (the wifi signal is still on, but the internet does not work). Sometimes it recovers by itself, but about once a day I have to unplug and plug the whole thing back again.
From the control panel ([]( the thing is reporting perfect health, even while the internet is not accessible. I have already set up manual DNS on all devices I own ([]( and its IPV6 counterpart) and it hasn’t improved the situation.
I have been in touch with softbank support and it goes exactly how you think it would (“is your router working right now? Yes? Ah, then daijobu”). It’s honestly driving me up the wall plus impacting my ability to WFH.
Has anyone had the same issue with this combination of devices, or any advice as to how to handle Softbank support? Thanks in advance
Had the same issue with softbank hikari wifi for 6 months and ended up cancelling my contract. It was a 2-year contract so I had to pay the remainder of the contract (about ¥66k). Really disappointed with softbank.
I have used Softbank Hikari in the past and if you keep complaining then they would send you a new router or replace the ONU unit.
There was this one time they sent a NTT technician and checked the Fiber line. To my surprise they found the issue.
The worst case scenario is replacing the NTT Fiber line (if you want to stay with NTT) or changing the provider.
I would first ask them to replace the router and ONU and check if it resolves the issue.
SoftBank sucks
I’m having the same issue with them.
I haven’t found a fix yet though, but that’s very annoying as I’m working remote 🙁
This isn’t Japan specific but since you are using softbank’s bbunit, do your own troubleshooting first.
1. do lights on front of the thing indicate something is wrong when your connection drops?
2. do lights on the ONU indicate anything wrong when connection drops?
3. connect something by ethernet and see if drops persist. If not – you know the problem is wireless related.
4. do a wireless site survey and configure your Wi-Fi 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands/channels so they’re not overlapping with existing nearby access points.
Once you know where the problem is, you can start figuring out where to contact to resolve it.