4am this morning, 92% humidity

Why don’t we just take Tokyo and push it somewhere else?

  1. But only 26C.
    I’d choose that over 35C with 50% humidity any time.
    We also need 100% for rain to happen

  2. >Why don’t we just take Tokyo and push it somewhere else?

    I always thought it would be nice to just build a dome over the entire county and air-condition it.

  3. Why don’t they just put more giant fans in the ocean and point them towards Tokyo?

  4. And I’m slogging through 52% where I’m at. I’ll stop complaining now.

  5. I’m leaving a lot out, but humidity is generally the highest early in the morning when temperatures are low. Warmer air can hold more water vapor and cooler air can hold less water vapor so the lower 26 degree temperature you felt will likely have a higher percentage of water vapor than than the 35 degree afternoon day.

    Source: I’m a college professor and teach this stuff to 6 classes every semester.

  6. Higher humidity makes it harder for your body to cool down via the sweating mechanism.

    Anyone working and exercising outside today, please be very careful! You can’t solve this heat by simply hydrating!

  7. With this freakin humidity maybe you can even ferment natto leaving it outside for just 1 min.

  8. > Why don’t we just take Tokyo and push it somewhere else?

    Actually Tokyo is in a very good place all things considered: the mountains shield Tokyo from most moisture (visit Takayama to find out), it’s relatively cool (visit Osaka), yet has a large river, alluvial plain and many tributaries (important to feed the city), and it doesn’t snow much (visit Hachinohe).

    So I guess what you mean is “why don’t we push Tokyo somewhere for a month and then bring it back?”

  9. More practical measures would target the [urban heat island effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_heat_island) – less tarmac and MANY more trees. Unfortunately our governor is too cosy with the big real estate developers to favour dedicating space to anything besides new construction projects.

    (Please sign and spread [the petition](https://www.change.org/p/protect-jingu-gaien-s-trees-rethink-the-development-plan) to save 1000+ trees in Jingu Gaien if you haven’t already.)

  10. Relative humidity is a terrible system of measurement. Lower air temps will have higher relative humidity levels because air temperature is part of the calculation.

    92% relative humidity at 25°C would be 52% relative humidity at 35°C with no change in the amount of water in the air.

    Edit: Downvotes for…facts? jlife keeps jlife-ing, I guess.

  11. It’s amazing how my co-workers and locals have gone from “the UK is a bit too cold and rainy to visit” to “What temperature is it now there? 21c! Might be nice idea to visit”.

  12. Or just change the timezone. We could have sunrise at 6pm, and people could actually enjoy sunlight during weekdays

  13. Is this just going to be an entire summer of people complaining about the heat on this subreddit? I don’t want to hear y’all complaining about Japanese Parker saying あついですね ever again

  14. I slowly have to rethink my plans to retire in Japan… Switzerland right now: 19 with rain. Is the humidity in Okinawa also that high?

  15. Perhaps cultivating rooftop and wall gardens should be a bigger priority in concrete jungles?

  16. >Why don’t we just take Tokyo and push it somewhere else?

    It’s too heavy. We’d probably get hernias.

    Adding insult to injury, as we writhed in pain we would probably get heatstroke from overexerting in a heatwave.

  17. Even in Wakayama, near the sea, the hot is unbearable, wind is like coming from an electric hoven

  18. Y’all’s feelslike goes to like 40°C max, here at Pakistan the humidity makes the feelslike reach 50°C+

    I’d take Japan’s summer anyday over our’s

  19. 1. There is a long-standing tradition of moving the capital in this country.
    2. It ensures we keep up with the ~~Joneses~~ Koreans.

    You might be on to a winner here, anyone got Kishida’s number?

  20. Can we please stop wearing masks, and let the old and frail die? This heat directly on my face makes me a bit jealous that they get to die before me.

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