Metabolic diseases/hormonal imbalance

Hi! Do you guys know any clinics where I can check my hormones and get consultation regarding obesity around Tokyo, or Tsukuba? Thanks for help in advance

  1. If you walk around any neighbourhood and see 内科 they can do it. Or are you looking for somewhere you can get consultation in English? If so, check your Embassy’s homepage for recommended clinics.

  2. Goooooood fuckin luck. I’ve asked a number of doctors about it. I’ve been using test for many years but I came off to make a baby and when I was off I got tested (because I couldn’t make babies) and levels were rock bottom but still got nothing.

    I also asked for ozempic but nope, because that’s for diabetic people.

    Japanese doctors don’t bother with hormones if you’re fat ime. They just say ドント・イート・ミート as if that’s the magic cure all for any ailment. So yeah. If you want hrt, get it yourself, if you want stable thyroid levels, do it yourself and exercise and eat well. That’s about it.

  3. Are you thinking it is PCOS? You need to go to a ladies clinic. A female doctor is more sympathic, find one with any western connection whether English okay or western certificates.

    A younger female doctor maybe even better. You need to be persistent and not give up and make sure you know the symptoms you have.

    Some doctors will brush it off and say just lose weight but you just need to push for it. Girlfriend recently got treatment for PCOS and she had a few appointments to get it done.

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