Washing machine drain pipe reeks smell

Hi everyone,

I move to my apartment around early March this year. Around 2 days ago I heard a water flowing in the washing machine drain area and I thought was my knob opens and try to close it but the water does not come from my washing machine. I thought its just connected from the other floor/room. However, since that day there’s been an annoying smell that just getting worse (egg smell/sewage). What is the general remedy for this if anyone knows how to fix it? Or should I call the property management instead?


  1. The drain trap in the floor can be taken apart and cleaned With bleach. You can get heavy duty cleaner for your washing machine too.

  2. Are you sure the smell is from around the washing machine and have you done laundry since then? I’m not plumber but usually the sewer smell happens then the water level goes too low in the p-trap and gases come up.

  3. I had a problem with a smelly washing machine drain after a company came by for some maintenance work. Turned out they did not close the lid properly after finishing their work. I am not sure what exactly they did to fix it, but it was a matter of 1 min and the smell was gone.

  4. As another user suggested, just pour water in the tap, and voila!

    I had the same exact issue about 5 days after last using my machine, and it solved the problem.

  5. Some people are suggesting pouring water down there, which will work but if the smell keeps coming back, that means that the fittings in your drain trap has not been closed properly. Tell your landlord about it.

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