Planning a travel to Tokyo but have not idea of the real world things

As intended in the title, needing advice such as documentation

Money needed (per person, approximately, excluding fly)

They know English in public places like hotels, visitors common places or airports even?

Need insurance?

Are them still alerted by the COVID virus on closed spaces?

Flying from Argentina, is there anything more I need to travel to that’s not my passport or visa?

They are shy with unknown ppl?

I researched some things like they use a card to enter places that they left to tourists, at this time idk how it was called, I need that thing or is such a nonsense for the time I go?

They still obligate you to do quarantine for 15 days on your appart before hang out?

Cost of some stays (nothing luxurious, cheap and functional, if have a bed for each one of us, a table to eat and a kitchen is such much)

Cost of restaurants, some of the more traditional food and even Starbucks, McDonals, and BKs if get disguised with the food

I’m planning to stay 10 days only of stay excluding fly time, I’m trying to learn some basic talk abilities before I get into the country so I make me sure of have good knowledge of what are them saying and communicate with other ppl

Need serious things, the itinerary I’m trying to do with a friend who have more use of reason to where we must want to go

In other things that help us is which season is best to go?

That’s all, I don’t think I will need much of that info but it’s ok if that were responded only to calm my anxiety (or give me more) and return some day in the future

  1. your post will probably get deleted since you can find all of these answers with an easy search, but…

    * money – no idea, what are your eating / drinking etc. habits? could be $10 a day, could be $200 a day.
    * English? generally in any tourist interaction yes. restaurants, bars, etc. you can get by, worst case just download Google Translate or DeepL app on your phone and use that
    * insurance? coming from the US at least you don’t
    * shy with unknown people? there are 14 million people in this city. some of them are shy, a lot of them aren’t. probably on average they are somewhat more shy than the average Argentinian.
    * COVID – there’s no rules or anything these days. some people wear masks etc. but it doesn’t affect you in any way.
    * no idea what card you’re talking about, if it was a COVID thing (I moved here during COVID and never heard of this) it’s long gone
    * no quarantine, seriously just google this stuff…
    * cost depends on when you are coming. peak season looking at $100-$200 a night+, off season can find functional for around $50 in Tokyo.
    * restaurants – if you eat Japanese food at local places, normal cost for lunch is 1000 yen. dinner starts at around 1500-2000 yen on average (you can find cheaper but you have to search / limit to specific foods), can go up to maybe 50,000 yen if you want 3 michelin stars. and everywhere in between. chain coffee shops have cheap food maybe like 500 yen for a sandwich. mcdonalds and burger king I don’t know but probably a full meal < 1000 yen.
    * itinerary, just google it or type in your question to chatgpt. i do that sometimes and I live here. – if you want to ask about itinerary here you have to make this question about 100x more detailed.
    * season, july august is really hot. fall / spring are the best but can get expensive (eg. cherry blossom season). winter is fine for me but maybe will be cold for you, I don’t know where you live exactly.

  2. *#They know English in public places like hotels, visitors common places or airports even?*

    Simple English is OK.
    *#Are them still alerted by the COVID virus on closed spaces?*

    At crowded space like subway carriage they tend to wear mask.
    #They still obligate you to do quarantine for 15 days on your appart before hang out?

    No need of qurantine

    #Cost of restaurants, some of the more traditional food and even Starbucks, McDonals, and BKs if get disguised with the food

    Just type in “<restaurant name> + japan” you can visit the official website and see the prices

    #*communicate with other ppl*

    Ordering food is the most common scenario to communicate with locals for me in japan. I think you can start from that first.

    *#In other things that help us is which season is best to go?*

    It depends on where you are going to visit. If you like skiing or watch the snow on Mt. Fuji, etc., winter is better. As for summer, Japan is dry, so you won’t feel that hot.

  3. You’re going to have to do research on your own. Please don’t expect others to do this much work for you.

    Hire a travel agent if you must.

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