Japan falls to record-low 125th in global gender gap ranking

Japan falls to record-low 125th in global gender gap ranking


1 comment
  1. TLDR is an extremely poorly written article about the simple statement that Japanese women are not in many high level positions of power. There’s no investigation into reason and a fatal misunderstanding of equality.

    This article is focusing on equality of outcome, leaving the actually important question of equality of opportunity unanswered, so far as I understood it.

    The article writes at the very end, “Gender roles are still strongly ingrained in the psyche, which has been reflected in the government’s unfocused efforts to counter the country’s low birthrate, she said.” Which is well yes, but actually no.

    Because on the topic of equality of outcomes, the government can’t be trying to get more women to work more demanding jobs and positions while simultaneously trying to get them out of the workforce and having children through growing financial incentives.

    What the article makes clear is that women are not occupying high level positions in work or politics. But provides no reasoning other then ‘tHe CuLtUrE’ with no elaboration or citations.

    Does Japan actually have worse opportunities for women *who want to* achieve high level career and political positions than other countries? I don’t have an answer to that and clearly this article author doesn’t know what that even means.

    In the end I rate this article a 1/10.

    It’s very long considering it contains only one sentence of fact and from where it was derived. This entire article could be shortened to three sentences. Overall it’s a display poor/untrained writing skills, failure in research and critical thinking, and a waste of time to read at all as it contributes nothing to society.

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