Rate and social influence of salvation army in Japan.

Hi there. I’m new to here. Here i am questioning about salvation army in japan. Of course i’m a member of salvation army. As known japan is one of the country of fewest christian. There are a lot of causes, but one of which is there was huge persecution in 17-19 century. So i know as well to hard to find church in the cities of japan. and also christianity is may strange to many of japanese.

But i assume salvation army is little bit different. Salvation army is denomination of Christianity indeed. But they’re more focusing on social rescue. In fact Although In a lot of nations which has less influence of Christianity, salvatuon army has strong social influence. So i just wonder social influence abd public opinion about salvation army in japan. how Japanese thinking about it?


  1. Not Japanese, but a few years back in ‘War Cry’, they actually had an article on this, after the massive earthquake and tsunami devastated so much of the country.
    After donating time, food, building temporary housing, and buying new fishing boats to devastated coastal communities, they were indeed looked at in a positive light. I don’t think the article I am remembering could be more than five years ago, as it was looking back at the anniversary of this tragedy.

    Hoping you can find the article (wish I was more of a help- I can’t currently find it) and it can give you an idea on the influence, and maybe even learn of the current social influences and conditions.

  2. >So i know as well to hard to find church in the cities of japan

    It’s actually quite easy to find one. Try opening google maps and entering “church” to see how many pops up.

    Unfortunately Salvation Army may be seen as a more strange flavor of Christianity because the only places most people see the members is soup kitchens, help meetings for people with addiction issues or the donation efforts…

    Why not contact the headquarters in Japan? I’m pretty sure they’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

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