Carlos Ghosn is suing Nissan for $1 billion

Carlos Ghosn is suing Nissan for $1 billion

  1. In 2020, a UN panel found that Ghosn’s detention in a Japanese jail for more than 100 days was neither necessary nor reasonable and violated his rights. The decision to arrest Ghosn four times in a row so as to extend his detention was “fundamentally unfair,” according to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

    The 18-page claim includes Ghosn’s plan to bring Nissan, Renault and Mitsubishi Motors under a grand alliance with Fiat Chrysler, which he says fueled concerns within Nissan in early 2018 that he was seeking to make the partnership irreversible. Nada and others then laid the groundwork to have Ghosn arrested in order to remove him from Nissan and the alliance, according to the former auto executive.

    Ghosn also described his intentions for taking a voluntary pay cut in 2011 after new disclosure rules in Japan triggered efforts to find legal means to retain and pay him during retirement. Those plans eventually became the basis for the arrest of Ghosn and Greg Kelly, a former Nissan director who was involved in the salary discussions. A trial verdict last year exonerated Kelly of most charges and imposed a fine on Nissan.

  2. Good, I despise the rich, but goddamn fuck Nissan. And fuck the Japanese “Justice” system. So glad he escaped. It was such A set up, especially when the JAPANESE president was let off of all persecution, but the foreigners were railed like hotdogs.

  3. Good. They’re a horrible company. Just go to to see what they did to some small computer store to get their url.

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