What are the social opportunities like with Interac North’s placement?

Hi all, Interac North has given me a position but I won’t know until July/August where I’m going.

I know they don’t do general training in Tokyo anymore, but train at the branches.

Will I just be dropped off at my accommodation and shown where the school is? Or will there be some manner of social orientation? Will there be people new to the area like me?

What has your experience been?

I’ve never had a problem saying yes to stuff, but I’m just wondering how many available people there will be to say “yes” to.


  1. Hey! I actually just started up with Interac in March. Generally you’ll meet the other new ALTs in your area at training and exchange numbers there. It might take you a bit to meet the more seasoned ALTs in your area- generally when you go to other schools for performance tests or International Days.

    As for your school- Interac will have an office worker take you and formally introduce you to each school you’ll work at. Just a quick hello, tea with the principal, and a chance to give your omiyage. Make sure to practice your Jikoshoukai for the first official day though! All of mine had me introduce myself in front of the whole staff.

    For accommodations- when I was with Nagoya branch they had an office worker bring me to my apartment, but when I was transferred to Osaka branch they just gave me google map directions. It depends on the branch! I’m sure they’ll fill you in once you get to training.

    As for social interactions- that’s all on you. If you’re in a bigger city with more of an ALT population, it’ll be easier. If you’re in a smaller town, mentally prep for some isolation unless you’re willing to travel to more populated areas a bit. I highly suggest downloading MeetUp. It’s been a life saver for me here. And a really good way to meet locals and other expats!

    Hope that helped a bit 🙂

  2. Buy your own car, get your own phone, get your own apartment. If they provide those three things for you, you are basically signing up for an opportunity to be a modern-day indentured servant.

  3. I lived in a town of about 1500 people. 80 percent was old people. It was an hour from anything basically. You can make friends if your Japanese is good. People are friendly and are looking for something to do too. Will you find love? Probably not there, you’ll need to go to a bigger city to get into any kind of relationship. All my hobbies were an hour or more away. It is rough, but it is also pretty amazing.

    I only lasted two years, but maybe if Interac actually paid well, I would have stayed longer.

  4. I’m in Interac North currently it all depends on who’s around you other ALT wise. I have a few other ALTs I get together with for Costco runs. I’ve made more friends by finding a D&D group for other expats. It really comes down to how much effort you’re willing to put out. Meeting the other ALTs is usually at the once a month BOE meetings for me. I just got another ALT at my JHS this year, who I share a day with once a week. I have friends in different cities who have multiple ALTs at their schools because they are in large cities. DM me if you have further questions am always willing to help to the best of my ability.

  5. Personally I love it up North, the hiking and skiing are incredible. It’s relaxed and quiet and the people are friendly.

    But then I’m old and married so aside from going for a beer occasionally I don’t really feel the need to seek out other ALTs.

    Most of my friends I met through sports, hiking or through other friends.

  6. Get out before you spend way to much money getting to Japan and ending up a lot poorer than you were before you started working for Interac.
    Those vultures will suck you dry.

  7. I have a phone interview with them Thursday. What should I expect?

    Thanks, I really want the job I’m jw. I failed a interview with Nova about a month or so ago!

  8. I just got accepted to North as well. My cousin got accepted to South. If you want to keep in touch, please shoot me a message!

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