Need help regarding Certificate of Eligibility/Nikkei-jin Visa

Hi, I’ve been posting on the pinned ask thread sporadically due to limited information but finally things started moving and in the process of filling out the CoE application as well as gathering requirements. I do have some fields that needed helping and some clarifications. So for a litte background:

Me, my wife, and our son are planning to move to Japan, hopefully permanently. We are from the Philippines and my wife is half-Japanese. Born and raised here. No japanese passport, and her first time in Japan was only this last March. His father passed away but she was included in the Koseki Tohon. Does this make her a Japanese national?

I asked this because I’m not sure what to answer in the #11 Purpose of Entry number in the CoE, Her application would definitely be under “Spouse or Child of a Japanese national”, but what about me and my son? I’m asking since we both want to go at the same time.

Another item is the #20. Family in Japan (Me and my son would leave this blank ofc) but what about her, she has 4 siblings and 3 niece/nephews, should we write all down? But the table has only 4 rows.

Speaking of which, his brother will be the one sponsoring us/guarantor and I think it’s ok to put his address in #9 (Address in Japan)? Or can I put her sister (different prefecture, Tochigi and Kanagawa respectively)? We’re still undecided where to stay but we have options and both are willing to accommodate us but since his brother has the longest stay, we opt to make him our principal sponsor.

Additonally, his brother was unsure regarding getting one of the requirements: Setai Zenin no juminhyo (Certificate of Residence covering all the family members). He has 3 offspring but all are in different cities and are living separate lives. He will be given most likely by the city hall only having him and his wife as the record. Would that be ok?

Lastly, among the requirements like Marriage and birth certificates, is it required to have it translated before sending it?

I apologize if some are very basic but we’re just making sure everything goes smoothly and thank you for helping!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Need help regarding Certificate of Eligibility/Nikkei-jin Visa**

    Hi, I’ve been posting on the pinned ask thread sporadically due to limited information but finally things started moving and in the process of filling out the CoE application as well as gathering requirements. I do have some fields that needed helping and some clarifications. So for a litte background:

    Me, my wife, and our son are planning to move to Japan, hopefully permanently. We are from the Philippines and my wife is half-Japanese. Born and raised here. No japanese passport, and her first time in Japan was only this last March. His father passed away but she was included in the Koseki Tohon. Does this make her a Japanese national?

    I asked this because I’m not sure what to answer in the #11 Purpose of Entry number in the CoE, Her application would definitely be under “Spouse or Child of a Japanese national”, but what about me and my son? I’m asking since we both want to go at the same time.

    Another item is the #20. Family in Japan (Me and my son would leave this blank ofc) but what about her, she has 4 siblings and 3 niece/nephews, should we write all down? But the table has only 4 rows.

    Speaking of which, his brother will be the one sponsoring us/guarantor and I think it’s ok to put his address in #9 (Address in Japan)? Or can I put his sister (different prefecture, Tochigi and Kanagawa respectively)? We’re still undecided where to stay but we have options and both are willing to accommodate us but since his brother has the longest stay, we opt to make him our principal sponsor.

    Additonally, his brother was unsure regarding getting one of the requirements: Setai Zenin no juminhyo (Certificate of Residence covering all the family members). He has 3 offspring but all are in different cities and are living separate lives. He will be given most likely by the city hall only having him and his wife as the record. Would that be ok?

    Lastly, among the requirements like Marriage and birth certificates, is it required to have it translated before sending it?

    I apologize if some are very basic but we’re just making sure everything goes smoothly and thank you for helping!

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  2. What type of visa/status are her siblings in Japan on? Are they not Japanese nationals?

    I think the first step should be your wife contacting the embassy of Japan in the Philippines (I assume you still currently live there) about applying for a passport. She would need someone to collect her koseki in Japan and send it to her, but that shouldn’t be much of an issue.

    I feel like my line of questioning may cause more confusion than help, but it makes the most sense to me. See the [application procedure here]( And while not quite the same situation, see [this thread about an American/Japanese adult who successfully applied for, and was issued, a passport despite not having a valid one since childhood](

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