Gaijin networking in Tokyo

I just got to Tokyo and I am feeling pretty isolated and want to make some friends and get to know people who have been here a while. I’m also still learning Japanese and struggling

The problem is most of the expats I meet are much younger and working – I am a married 40+ executive and other than people at work I don’t know anyone.

Can anyone recommend some good business networking groups or even bars where I can meet similar people?

Would be greatly appreciated

  1. If you have kids in international school there is quite a lot of networking between parents in my experience.

  2. Tokyo Expat Network might be good although it seems to be more spouses of expats.

    I’d look to see if your uni has an alumni network here. 2 of my 3 schools and the college I attended at one uni all have very active alumni networks that meet often in Tokyo.

  3. There’s a Business In Japan group on LinkedIn, with a meetup in Tokyo on June 30. Recommend giving it a shot.

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