Haunted places to (respectfully) visit?

What are some great macabre places in Japan to visit that are haunted and/or scary?

Me and my friends are trying to find some thrills and places off the beaten path, while also not appearing like total jackasses.

I appreciate any recommendations!!!!

  1. Any shrine after 27:00.

    Bring an empty PET bottle.

    Pro-Tip: Ignore the police squad wearing ghillie suits hiding in the shrubbery.

  2. If you come here to inaka and walk into any of the (unfortunately multiple) abandoned houses in the middle of the night, remember to bring some spare underwear just in case.

  3. Reports are that the toilet area of most Hubs are haunted. You’re most likely to witness the manifestation of the paranormal around closing time. Reports of screams and moans seem most common with the occasional cries invoking the poor victim’s deity of choice. Victims often appear tired, winded, sweaty, and in a really vigorous encounter are covered in a sticky substance we suspect is ectoplasmic in origin.

    But please remember to be respectful while visiting to witness these strange occurrences.

  4. Honestly? This time of year there are going to be haunted tours in places, or haunted houses. Just look for one of those and go. That way you’re having fun and not getting in trouble.

  5. This is a difficult ask. Your question has a great amount of overlap with urbex photography, which has its own set of rules. One of those rules is that you don’t tell others where to find a spot, without some sort of exchange. That’s to prevent people coming there, attracting attention, messing some stuff up.

    That said, if you can Google in Japanese, there are definitely some places, especially in inaka. You just need a car for most of them.

  6. My wife used to work at LAVA (a hot yoga chain in Japan). There are a few locations here in Fukuoka that many employees claimed to be haunted, but they just appear to be hot yoga studios to most people. I doubt that is really exciting to check out though, unless you are into hot yoga. haha

  7. Hachioji castle ruins..if you wanted a place where tens or hundreds of children are slit in the throats by their mother before they commit suicide by jumping on a rocky waterfall while the castle they called home is being burned down then you’re in the right place..

  8. I appreciate all the replies, especially all the funny ones!!! Thank you all!

  9. Toyama Park in Shinjuku and Sunshine 60 in Ikebukuro. I’ll let you look up the history.

  10. Himeji Castle has a famous story about a young woman who was thrown down a well there and was purportedly haunted afterward.

  11. Tokyo has so many haunted places! I wish I could open a ghost walk business in Tokyo.
    Specially the places where the big national parks in a busy area are. If you look inside you’ll probably find a memorial of execution site or prisons. Too haunted to repurpose the land.
    Ikebukuro is dangerously haunted place in Tokyo. Specially where Sugamo prison, the ww2 criminal prison, was.
    Shibuya is also haunted in the same way. There was a military prison and people still see the ghosts of the young officers who were executed over the military coup.

  12. Most of the population centers were bombed with incendiaries during WWII, so if there aren’t ghosts around every corner, then there aren’t any anywhere.

  13. Oh, another good one is the Kozukappara Execution Grounds in Tokyo. Apparently over 200,000 people were executed there over the course of 200+ years.

  14. Nakagusuku Hotel in Okinawa has the reputation and stories of being haunted.

  15. https://ghostmap.net/spottop.php
    I used to do a bunch of solo haunted spot explorations for fun prior to covid and this site was really helpful. Basically user reviewed spots based on several criteria. Got quite a few really creepy ones outta that. Though no ghosts unfortunately… who would’ve guessed…

  16. Are you looking for 廃墟 spots or places specifically believed to be haunted?

  17. Any Pacific Ocean coastline in Tohoku. I hear it’s still hard getting a cab at night.

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