Mold in Okinawan Flat

Hi everyone. My partner and I have been living in Japan for over a year now and have had numerous problems with our flat but the most reoccurring problem is mold. We have a dehumidifier that is almost always on, and our aircon is on 24/7 set at the required temp that the landlord wrote in the welcome pack. Despite this, we are still getting mold that keeps coming back. Any ideas of how to fix this? We’re planning on getting another dehumidifier so that we have 2 going at all times and we also have many houseplants to also try and combat it but is there anything else we can do? I am at a loss

  1. Mold where? In the rooms in general? (Ceiling/walls/floor?) on your furniture? In closets? Or just in the bathroom?

  2. Pretty common in Okinawa. Get some Kabi Killer and spray your walls to kill it (you can dilute it in water if the smell is too strong). Probably want to get your AC professionally cleaned too just in case it’s full of mold.

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