Kyushu in mid-October 2022. No car rental. Best circuit?

\*crosses fingers\* Here’s to hoping COVID restrictions don’t ruin any of these plans.

My partner and I are going to be touring Kyushu, neither of us are comfortable renting a car so public transit it will be for us. I will be getting us the All Kyushu Rail Pass (highest is 7 days so I might buy two? Is that possible? I’m sure it is) to cover the 2 weeks we will be there.

My question is: **is this itinerary the most efficient route to these main cities in Kyushu we wish to visit?**

**Where We Are Going**

(land Wednesday in p.m., first real day Thursday) (2.5 hours from FUK via JR Kamome 50Y) **Nagasaki** (2 days) > **Kagoshima** (2 days) > (2 hours via jetfoil) **Yakushima** (3 days) > **Kumamoto** (3 days) (day trip to Takachiho Gorge?) > **Beppu** (2 days) > **Fukuoka** (2 days) (fly home next day in a.m.) = 15 days

I plan to find a tour group for transportation around Yakushima, Aso, and Takachiho. Kumamoto will be my main hub for Aso and Takachiho excursions.

Also, looks like the weather will be a high of 70s and lows in the 50s on average in Kyushu in October? I’m going to guess it’s still gonna be humid. I get hot easily but live in the US in a state that is in the 90s with 80% humidity in summer and in the teens in the winter. I hate it, but vacation makes terrible weather so much more bearable!

So that’s the plan. Pretty much the same as the one I came up with when I thought we’d be able to go in April of this year. Thanks to your help in the past with all my questions. I always appreciate all the help and suggestions I get from this subreddit!

  1. You’ll have a great time! I have a trip report from beppu and fukuoka if you check my post history. Kyushu is the best!

  2. 1. Come 23 September, there will be no direct trains from Fukuoka (Hakata) to Nagasaki for the foreseeable (possibly for at least 10-15 years). Limited Express Kamome is replaced by shinkansen Kamome (Nagasaki to Takeo Onsen) and a shuttle-service/Limited Express Midori for the connection to main Kyushu shinkansen.

    2. It’s pretty unlikely there will be open non-Japanese groups heading for Yakushima, Mt. Aso and Takachiho Gorge for day trips. And unless you have a working knowledge of Japanese – it’s fairly unlikely you will be able to book most Japanese tours. Note that current (reduced) regular bus schedule practically makes you stay overnight in Takachiho area.

  3. Seems like an open jaw flight from Tokyo to Kyushu could save you travel time and money? Fly to Kagoshima to start and do Yakushima. Then take the train to Kumamoto, Beppu, Fukuoka, and fly out of Nagasaki. Or alternatively take the train and ferry from Kumamoto to Nagasaki and then go to Fukuoka and Beppu with a flight out of Oita.

    This would help you condense your most expensive train travel as well and it could potentially fit within the time frame of the Kyushu 7 day pass.

  4. If you absolutely have to fly in and out of Fukuoka, it kind of make sense, however, I would seriously consider flying in and out of different cities so you can reduce the amount of time spent in the train.

    I would consider starting in Beppu, then doing Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima/Yakushima.

    It should also be possible to do it using one north and it might not even be worth getting one south pass. So even if the ticket to fly in Beppu and out of Kagoshima is a bit more expensive than a round trip to Fukuoka, you could save money on the train.

    Have you check hot long it takes to reach Takachiho gorge from Kumamoto ? It is at least 3h30 in the bus, so might be a bit far for a day trip. Aso could be done in about 2h, so it’s not that bad for a day trip, but still a bit long.

    As I do not especially want to rent a car either, Yakushima also seems a bit difficult as the bus in infrequent, but their tourism website suggest to check to do activities that include transport.

  5. You can get around Yakushima (and Aso) with public transport. It’s annoying since the buses aren’t very frequent, but it’s possible. When I was in Yakushima we missed the bus once and some kind locals picked us up as hitchhikers, which was nice of them!

    Also, if you’re determined to have a tour guide drive you around, if you look on tripadvisor etc. there will probably be loads of (overpriced) tours for English speakers to join.

  6. I did Fukuoka> Aso>Kumamoto>Kagoshima>Miyazaki>Oita. Other than Fukuoka, I must say the best spots are mostly outside the city and not very easily accessed without a car. Yes there are trains and buses to most tourist attractions, but they are so infrequent that it is very inconvenient to plan around.

  7. I just went to Kyushu for a trip from late March to early April… By rental car, actually, but I did some research on the railway route (attached with Japanese version). I think you have a fairly efficient plan. And don’t worry about the humidity! By that time, it suppose to be already passed the typhoon season. According to data until last year, average humidity in October was about 68%. Have fine with your trip!
    [Japan Railway route map for Kyusyu](

  8. Also be prepared for not being able to see the Aso volcano crater because of the safety restrictions. They are worrying about the possible coming eruption.

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