Can Japan-issued Visa credit card be used overseas?

In particular, the Paidy Visa card and a SMBC credit card. Will be flying to Europe soon. Anyone has an experience using it? Also, do I need to inform the company or something? In my home country, online overseas transactions are sometimes flagged and have to be confirmed with the company for security reasons.

  1. They can be used, but apart from the transaction fee, you should also be sure that you’ll be able to receive SMS and email messages from your bank while you’re abroad – Japanese banks’ fraud detection systems are on a hair trigger at the best of times, and they’ll happily block your card for a fraud challenge multiple times in a single day while you’re overseas.

  2. I would figure it’s similar to when I used my Canadian CCs overseas – call and tell the bank you’ll be using it overseas from when to when and you should be all gravy. Hell when I first moved to Japan I called and told them I’ll be using the card in Japan for the foreseeable future and have never had a problem since (though I did stop using it completely a couple years in when I got a Japanese card).

  3. I used my SMBC credit card in North America and Europe for small purchases with no problems.
    It did get flagged buying the flight tickets and some hotel bookings (while still in Japan), but just had to log into the website and approve the transactions.

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