Doing Business In Japan

I enjoyed reading [Doing Business In Japan]( which mirror a lot of my experience, and I think this sub will enjoy it too.

I feel like I got all the best side of Japan, the japanese company I work for is a public company and I am quite protected against all the downside of working for one. (That said, being keiyakushain for the company for 6 years instead of seishain, closed me many door when a business deem it too “unstable”…)

The fact that the personal touch is important for business may feel like burdensome, but I believe it is actually good… When you think about it, being a number in the database of a big company isn’t a great experience as a customer. When shit hit the fan, you feel powerless and desperate due to the assymetry of the relationship.

Gave me another motivation to learn Japanese! 🙂

  1. Are you aware you can ask to become a seishain after being employed at the same company as keiyakushain for 5 years?

  2. Thanks for this – very interesting read for those of us starting up on our own and a welcome break from the usual inane stuff on this sub.

  3. Is there an updated version?
    Also some places u were able to smoke at your desk after 17:30.

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