Bank recommendations


I’m moving across the country to Kyoto next month and I need to open a new bank account as my current one is a local one.

What banks would you guys recommend (and why)?

My credit card right now is from my current bank, so that will be going too. Would you recommend a credit card with the bank you recommend or from a different company?

edit: I have been searching online and have found some recommendations for banks like Sony Bank and Neobank SBI. These banks are online only, for people using these banks, can it be your only bank? Like for salary, rent payments, electricity, etc. The debit card is quite attractive. Also if one of these banks are your only bank, do you feel safe with your money? I have never used an online only bank before.

  1. All the recent new contractors at my place are coming with Japan post accounts – it’s like 4 to 1 almost. They say the accounts are easy to open etc

  2. Sony bank, smbc olive account, etc. both will give you a debit card tied to that account.

    credit card is kinda depends on who will accept you, i personally use and recommend docomo d-card because of carrier discount and iD/d point integration.

  3. I prefer a bank where I can go into a physical branch if I need to and work out an issue I’m having. I went with Mitsubishi UFG mostly because it’s what my workplace requested, but I’ve never had any issues with them, and being one of the big ones, it’s no trouble to find an ATM nearby when necessary.

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