Any advice? Japan WHV for UK age limit in 2 weeks!

I’m just asking so I know for sure there’s no chance – but I’ve been constantly checking for when the covid suspension on Work Holiday Visas is lifted for UK nationals for the last year or so as I turn 31 this month. I gave up hopes the last month but now noticed it’s finally opened so I called the embassy and they told me they count the age limit at the appointment time for applying and there is no appointments left until next month. Really got my hopes up for a second. Just wanted to check there’s really nothing I can do before accepting the situation and reaching the age limit in a couple weeks. Thanks for any advice!


Application submitted in time just a few days before the age limit, now waiting to collect and see if all was successful but I guess you can’t give up on it until it’s definitely over. Hope this info helps others!


I have a Japanese WHV!! And I managed to sort it just over a week before my age limit deadline. My advice would be (if you’re in a similar situation), book an appointment before your age limit. Reach out to typical expat jobs (English teaching etc.) and request / explain about the EFRS you need to apply. It’s possible!

  1. You got your answer directly from the embassy. Short of you trying another embassy in your country, you’re screwed.

  2. I would call them a few times and try to plead with them. It would be such a shame if you missed out on this!

  3. The London embassy doesn’t let you book more than 3 weeks in advance? If you’re after the 24th you’re in luck. Simply get refreshing at midnight

    >” Each day, new appointment slots are added on the date 3 weeks hence (for example, if today is a Monday, then when the day turns to Tuesday, appointments will become available on the Tuesday 3 weeks from now). Therefore, if no appointments are available, please wait until the next day and try again. Please note, however, that no dates are added on Saturdays or Sundays, or on days when the date 3 weeks hence is an Embassy Holiday.”

  4. My 31st was October 13, 2021 – I called the consulate and they told me they would take my application but not process it until they could. Since it’s based on the date you apply, not the date it’s processed or approved, I highly recommend you call the embassy and explain your situation. Have all your paperwork ready too – the Doctor’s note may take the most time.

  5. UPDATE: I got an appointment before my 31st!! My only hurdle is this ERFS, I’m really struggling to find a clear explanation of what it is. Do you now have to have a company in Japan sign you up? I do have a Japanese contact in Tokyo, not sure if they own a company or work freelance if that could be of help to me?

  6. Hey all, I’ve seen a few mentions for World Unite on here so if you are reading from the future and have questions feel free to DM me. I am on their service but not affiliated otherwise

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