Question about visa application (uketsuke zumisho?)

Hello everyone,

since March it is possible to apply for working holiday visa again. I come from Germany and would like to travel to Japan for 1 year. On a page of the embassy it says that you need a “Certificate for Completion of Registration to the ERFS System”「受付済証」, uketsuke zumisho and that you can not apply without it.

What is this exactly and how do I get something like that, unfortunately nothing is written exactly on the Internet. Can you please help me?

Kind regards.

  1. You need a sponsor within Japan to provide that document to you. You cannot obtain it yourself.

  2. Basically a Japanese company or institution needs to sponsor you. There is a system called ERFS where they need to enter your data and generate a certificate. They’re under the – mostly morally – obligation to ensure you follow the anti-corona measures. If you have a Japanese company lined up for your WHV they could generate such a certificate quite quickly. Signup takes a day or two, cert is instant.
    As a German there also seems to be this somewhat expensive option:

  3. Hey, did you manage to contact with the Japanese embassy in Germany? I want to get the WHV and I’ll have the ERFS soon but no one from the embassy is responding my email. So I wanted to ask do you know if it’s possible to go there without any reservations to file for the visa?

  4. I co-own a hospitality business in Tokyo and can help guests who need ERFS certificate. You would agree to stay at one of our properties for two weeks or longer. Please DM for details.

    Edit: please note we are not offering a job.

  5. In case anyone is still reading this… would you be able to get an umetsuke zumisho from a WWOOF host? If they run a pension for example.

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