Food Donation?

Hello! I searched the sub but didn’t find anything about this topic specifically. I’m leaving Japan very soon and I have been trying to eat all of my food before I go to avoid waste, but I have a lot of canned goods (lentils, chickpeas, corn, tomato sauces) as well as dried goods like rice, dry chickpeas, etc. They’re all unopened and good for at least a year if not more. Is there anywhere in Tokyo I can drop these things off at, like a food bank? In Canada where I’m from, we often have bins or boxes at the exits of the grocery story to give food that will go to food banks, but I haven’t seen those here, at least not in the stores I shop at. Thank you!

  1. Your ward office may have a collection point, too. Mine did (not Tokyo).

  2. If you know some student friends, you can give to them.
    i can assure you we always welcome free food.

  3. Or if you want, I run a Food Not Bombs chapter in Yokosuka (we have a Facebook and Instagram page, just type up “Food Not Bombs Yokosuka” on either page) and I could come to Tokyo to pick up the food to use at one of our homeless feeding events

  4. I literally just went to my friends house the other day and they now have a ton of rice and other stuff

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