Itinerary Check Tokyo>Kyoto>Hiroshima/Miyajima>Osaka

Hi! First time to Japan at the end of September and trying to do our best to be the most time efficient for each day!

Day 0: Arrive

Day 1 (Thursday): Tsukiji fish market plus lunch tour (ends in Asakusa and includes senso-ji tour) ends at 1pm
* Walk around Ginza: visit Uniqlo store and Art Aquarium Museum (possibly check out Ginza 6, a rooftop terrace bar)
* Rest at hotel in Shinjuku
* Dinner somewhere near hotel?

Day 2: Get to Team Lab a little before opening
* See Tokyo Tower

{Unclear what to do in this space}
* Go to Golden Gai

* Experience going to a club in Tokyo

Day 3: See Hachiko Statue and Shibuya Crossing
* Go to an otter cafe at 11 am in Shibuya
* Walk around Shibuya and into Harajuku
* Walk around Yoyogi Park
* Shibuya Sky at sunset
* Ride the Big O Karaoke Ferris Wheel

Day 4: Day tour at Hakone/Mt Fuji until 6:30pm
* Visit Akihabara and go to the arcades

Day 5: Do anything we feel like we missed until noon then head to Kyoto
* Drop off bags at hotel near Gion
* Visit Ginkaku-ji/philosophers path

Day 6: Wake up early and go to Arashiyama Bamboo forest
* Climb to the top and visit the Monkey Park
* Visit Kinkaku-Ji
* Head to Yugen tea house for matcha (basically to get a mini tea ceremony for way less money and time)
* Is this when we should try to visit the Nishiki Market? Is it a must?

Day 7: Professional photoshoot with Kimonos while also visiting the fushimi inari shrine
* Spend rest of the day in Nara

Day 8: Deciding between visiting Hiroshima (peace memorial, atomic bomb dome, okonomiyaki) the whole day then Miyajima Island in the morning to late afternoon OR Miyajima in the morning until last ferry then Hiroshima in the evening and following morning OR Hiroshima for a half day (with okonomiyaki for lunch) then head to our ryokan on Miyajima Island for included dinner and breakfast the next morning
* I would just really like to stay at a ryokan and it seems like Miyajima would be a nice place for that and would also be a beautiful peaceful place to stay (even though I understand Hiroshima is way cheaper to stay overnight) unless it’s really not worth it

Day 9: Morning spent in either Hiroshima or Miyajima
* Head to Osaka (don’t need help with Osaka just yet)

Day 10-12: Osaka (if we love Osaka we’ll stay in the city the whole time, if we think we’ve seen enough we might head to USJ one of the days)

Day 13: Leave from Osaka airport early in the morning

Thank you for your help!

  1. OK, so, a couple of things…

    TeamLab may or may not be open, it’s moving from the Tokyo Bay location to somewhere in Central Tokyo, not 100% sure where

    Tsukiji Fish Market closed in 2018 and the fish auctions moved to Toyusu, there’s still the outer markets at Tsukiji

    Check out Senso-ji near Tokyo Tower

    Do Akihabara on one of the days in Tokyo, not the day of Hakone/Mt. Fuji

    Spend a night in Hakone and check out the Hakone Pass, then head to Kyoto from there, there’s no point going all the way back to Tokyo and then Kyoto.

    You’ll need at least two or three days in Kyoto, make sure you check out Higashiyama to see all the old buildings and try and see Fushimi Inari-Taisha (thousand torii gates)

    Nara could easily be a side trip from Kyoto or Osaka, bare in mind that Osaka, Kyoto and Nara are only about half an hour apart from each other.

    Between Kyoto and Hiroshima, you could easily stop somewhere along the way like Kobe or Himeji


    Now, here’s some other advice I give to people when they tell me they’re visiting Japan for the first time:

    * Look into internet access, your two options are either a SIM card or portable wifi router, I used the latter, you can rent one at any major airport and post it back when you’re done.
    * Look into banking, be aware that Japan is still mostly a cash based society, EFTPOS and PayWave isn’t as common as in the west though this is changing due to Covid. Most Japanese ATMs don’t accept foreign cards and for some inexplicable reason, they don’t operate 24/7. However, you should be ok with 7-Eleven ATMs, I was also OK with Family Mart ATMs, I didn’t try Lawson, but Conbinis (convenience stores) are everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Alternatively, you could load up a SUICA or ICOCA card with credit, it’s used like Paywave in many places.
    * Look into rail passes to get bullet trains between cities and either a SUICA or ICOCA for local public transport. You can buy both before you arrive in Japan, possibly even at the same time. Look into whether it’s worth buying a nationwide JR pass, a regional pass, or just one way tickets each time. With a bit of research, you can find out what’s the best value for money, there’s plenty of JR pass calculators online that can tell you if it’s worth it, though bare in mind JR pass prices are increasing by a stupidly high amount soon.
    * Two kanji you really should know beforehand is ç”· (male/man) and 女 (female/woman), this is so you don’t walk into the wrong toilet or board a wrong train carriage (there’s female only carriages on some trains)
    * Bring extra deodorant, just trust me on that one, I ran out and I couldn’t find antiperspirant deodorant like Rexona or Nivea anywhere, it’s surprisingly hard to find, Asians don’t sweat like other races do.
    * Get an umbrella, take one with you or buy one.
    * Watch/listen to Abroad in Japan on YouTube or podcasts for loads of sage advice.

  2. I would head down to Fukuoka too after Hiroshima and maybe a day trip to Okayama

  3. Seems like a perfectly good itinerary overall.

    Hakone is a complete day with a lot of walking – I think there’s no real chance you get back to Tokyo at the end of it and decide you want start hitting up Akihabara. No real sense going to to Tokyo from there anyway – might as well keep going straight to Kyoto from Hakone.

    I, personally, would take time from Osaka and put it somewhere else. Osaka is a nice city – but you’re already spending a lot of time in megacities and it’s not a more exciting place than Tokyo. Nara can easily fill a complete day and more time could be spent doing stuff in Kyoto. Or, there are a lot of nice places you could day-trip to from Tokyo (Nikko and Kamakura jump to mind), or maybe stop by on the way between Hiroshima and Osaka (Himeji? Okayama? Maybe Onomichi/the islands there, if you feel like getting off the main tourist route?).

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