is keigo used only with hyojungo?

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but I’ve been immersion in Japanese for a few years now and I came to notice that all Keigo I’ve heard is spoken in Hyojungo (standard dialect). Is that the only dialect where Keigo has to be used? I’ve only heard Osaka-ben and other non-standard dialects be used more informally. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  1. The keigo forms and expressions you learned is the keigo form of the hyoujungo – you probably learned only the keigo for hyoujungo, so I’m not surprised you’re not aware of this or come to this possibility.

    Keigo in Osaka area consists mainly, but not limited to, the use of はる. Expressing honorifics by the use of はる does not exist in hyoujungo as far as I’m aware, which probably explains why you don’t think you’ve encountered any.

  2. That’s understandable that you feel speaking 敬語 comes with only 標準語, but the answer is No.

    I live in rural area where people have strung dialect (方言). We kinda mix our direct with 敬語. Here is some example.

    標準語: 今日は凄く暑いですね。

    方言: 今日めっちゃ暑いですね。

    標準語: 明日資料を持ってきていただけますか?

    方言: 明日資料持ってきてもろていいですか?

    標準語: 今日はもう閉店です。

    方言: 今日はもう閉店ですけん。

  3. Kyoto is famous among Japanese people as having the most complicated and obscure politeness levels

  4. I had not paid much attention to it, but honorifics do indeed exist in dialects. However, Japanese dialects may be a bit too advanced for this subreddit (LearnJapanese).

    Examples of honorifics in dialects found by searching the net:

    (1) Yamaguchi dialect

    「社長が来ちゃった」 in Yamaguchi dialect

    = 「社長がいらっしゃった」 in standard Japanese

    (2) Hakata dialect

    Hakata dialect “あのですね” “なるほどですね”

    Adding 「~ですね」 makes it polite.

    (3) Osaka dialect This may be a little famous.

    「~しはる」 in Osaka dialect

    =「~してらっしゃる」 in standard Japanese

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