ANA president, “Relax border controls to same level of other G7 nations.”

ANA president, “Relax border controls to same level of other G7 nations.”

  1. wErE sTiLl iN tHe mIdDlE oF a gLoBaL pAnDeMiC

    -gatekeeping weebs that think they’re the star of their own Last Samurai adventure in Japan and can’t bear the thought of having to share their precious anime land with any other gaijins

  2. Had a call with my friend from Osaka last night and just mentioned individual tourism is still banned. He had no clue.

    I guess he looked into it because today he texted me “It feels like Kishida is treating us like zoo animals with the tour groups”.

  3. Yes, please! Preferably before I have to shell out $120 for a pcr test in the States next month.

  4. Well of course the president of ANA is going to say that. Not that he’s wrong, lol.

  5. Even if Japan reopens, doesn’t mean unvaccinated people can travel right?

  6. I’m honestly surprised that the other G7 leaders haven’t knuckled down on this yet. It’s preposterous that Japanese citizens can travel quite literally to wherever they want, yet citizens of G7 countries are still banned from entering.

  7. Japanese people should be banned from entering G7 countries and their visas should be suspended. It is laughable that they can waltz in and out of the UK like the own the place. Obviously, I don’t have anything against Japanese personally but it is unfair that they can enter my country but I am barred from Japan. Perhaps a ban on Japanese nationals will put more pressure on the government

  8. Japan and Taiwan have more in common with China than they’d like to admit.
    And oh boy, you’ll sure get flak for suggesting that or criticising the COVID policies on the Taiwan and Japan life subreddits. I’ve never commented on the latter but I got some r/Taiwan redditors riled up for criticising the country’s COVID policy.

  9. Kishida held a press conference today where he was asked about strengthening border measures for COVID. I used Deepl for translations:

    > まず、あの… 新型コロナの対応については、先程も申し上げたように、引き続き、感染拡大防止に最大限の警戒を保ちつつ、社会経済活動の回復に向けた取り組み、段階的に進めていく。こうしたことです。

    > First of all, um… Regarding the response to the new coronas, as I mentioned earlier, we will continue to maintain the utmost vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, while working toward the recovery of socioeconomic activities, step by step. These are the things we are doing.

    > そして、ご質問の水際対策についても、今言ったバランスを取りながら、段階的な緩和を進めている。これが現状です。そして、この入国者総数あるいは訪日観光客の受け入れを含め、今後の水際対策の具体的な措置については内外のニーズや検疫体制等を勘案し、

    > And as for the waterfront measures that you asked about, we are proceeding with gradual mitigation while maintaining the balance that I just mentioned. This is the current situation. In addition, we will take into consideration domestic and international needs and the quarantine system, etc., in order to determine the specific measures to be taken in the future, including the total number of people entering Japan and the number of tourists visiting Japan.

    > 内外の感染状況や主要国の水際対策の状況を踏まえながら、適切に判断をしていく。これが基本的な考え方です。たちまち、今、対策を強化するということについては具体的に考えてはいませんが、今言ったあの姿勢で今後の状況によって、注視していきたい。このように思っています。

    > Appropriate decisions will be made while taking into account the status of infection both inside and outside the country and the status of water border measures in major countries. This is our basic approach. We are not thinking specifically about strengthening measures immediately, but we will keep a close watch on the situation from now on. This is how I see it.

  10. It wouldn’t make much difference. For all the morons chirping in this thread about racism and xenophobia, you sure as fuck haven’t the slightest idea over what nationality brings in the largest tourist money.

    It ain’t fat weebs from Idaho.

    Also Japan is a densely populated island. That in effect limits how Covid can be managed. I was speaking to friends in Hong Kong and they are suffering from the same problems. Aging population, densely packed people into big metropolises means that you have to tightly control things in terms of who can enter. You can’t just simply compare it somewhere like Italy or Germany – which is far more sparsely populated. The Greater Tokyo area alone has more people in it than most European countries.

  11. I work in the ski tourism industry in Japan and the whole thing has been built around the foreign tourism/investment bubble. If we don’t get international tourism back this winter season it’s going to be a bloodbath.

  12. Well japan is being hammered with covid cases this past week so i dont think they will be relaxing the border controls soon

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