Dead Bird

I found a dead bird on my doorstep. Is there a agency I need to call to dispose of it? Thanks you

  1. Don’t touch it, especially if you think it is infectious. Ask the nearest public health center how to treat it.

  2. Search “〇〇市 or 区 (your city) 動物 死骸” and your city page should have the contact info depending on your situation.

  3. It depends if it is the size of a Steller’s Sea Eagle or a sparrow, but could you just dig a hole and bury it? There’s a certain tree in my apartment grounds that has become a memorial for two of my budgies.

  4. This post already seems like an overreaction, so I wouldn’t bother contacting an agency. Throw it in a hedge or something

  5. Once a bird flew into a window at work and I had to listen to my boss reminisce about eating tsubame as a child…

  6. 1.) Find shovel and green space.

    2.) Dig hole slightly larger than bird.

    3.) Line hole with soft green leaves.

    4.) Put bird in hole on leaves.

    5.) Cover bird with more soft green leaves. Provide a flower if available.

    6.) Place dirt from hole on top of bird.

    7.) Whisper goodnight.

  7. How big is this bird? Are we talking tsubame or Taka? Because if it’s a big bird of prey, and it just fell dead on your doorstep, then someone might care to ask why.

    if its a finch, a local cat likes you and think yer hungry.

  8. In my city you dispose dead animals (except pets) as burnable trash. Confirmed in city hall.

  9. Wear a glove and take it to a quiet corner of a nearby park.

    It will naturally get eaten by feral cats, crows, or insects.

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