THE ERAS TOUR IS HERE. Question about lottery system

Its my third lottery in Japan, in the past I only use 1 acc but I only won 1/4 time. So right now I want to increase the possibility by making many acc using my friend’s japanese phone number. But all of it using my name and my credit card since he isnt interested on watching it.
Do you think it’s okay to use the same name? Or is it better to use different name and CC on each account?

I dont want to use his name cause im afraid of random check.

  1. I’m pretty sure that would be against the terms of use. Don’t do it. Give everyone the same chance of getting the tickets.

  2. If you do that, the account you make will be tied to his phone number and the ticket will be available only through the device with his phone number. So even if you can get it you’ll basically have to borrow his phone (or at least sim card) for the concert day. Plus, if in the future he needs to use Lawson ticket, that’s going to be with your name instead of his. Or, if you get found out and blocked, that’ll render him ineligible to use the service in the future.

    Edit: My suggestion to increase your chances *legally* is to find a friend to go with and lottery individually for 2 tickets each and pick the konbini payment option if possible. If both of you win, then one of you could just not pay it. There’s a ton of people in this sub already asking for various info on Swift’s tour. I think it’s possible to make some arrangements (and meet new swifties along the way).

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