Which ERFS cert Application ID did you get?

Every ERFS cert comes with an increasing ID. A few people reported in the pinned thread already their numbers with 2k on Friday, 10k on Saturday and 23k on Monday. Which Application ID (don’t post the last 3 digits) did you get and roughly when?

  1. Have they confirmed if it’s first come first serve to book flights and get in, or is entry based on COE issuance?

  2. Is the application number enough to be able to apply for visa, or is some other documentation from the system required? my number is 30k +

  3. 40XXX and I got it yesterday (March 2)

    Also, my whole family had the same number— it didn’t change per person.

  4. Random and maybe semi related but how long did it take for you to get your ERFS certificate? I have a COE ready as well as thebother requirements but im still waiting in the ERFS cert. Im looking to submit my visa application asap since everything takes longer to get processed where I live. -____- thank you

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