Nightmare Eikaiwa

So I’m currently teaching a at a super small eikaiwa. Can give more details in private message. Long story short, the mother and son (bosses) are so verbally abusive to the students, the students often cry. The students do their best, but when they make a mistake the son loses his temper and the students crying is enough to distract the classes I have at the time.

I want to contact the BOE for the prefecture. I want to quit asap. What do I do? What can I do to help the kids?

  1. The BOE has no control over Eikaiwa. Eikaiwa are privately owned businesses and if yours is a small one, it’s simply a family owned small business.

    It sounds harsh, but if the kids parents gave a crap, they wouldn’t keep sending their kids there when they come home puffy-eyed and sniffling.

    You could try reporting them to the ward office.

    You want to quit asap? give your two weeks notice and get out.

  2. You can quit, and tell the parents why you quit.

    That’s about all you can do. The board of education oversees schools, not eikaiwa.

  3. Some parents teach their kids like this. Sadists all of them. Find a new gig.

  4. Abusive practices should be reported to whatever business beauro Japan has. Places like that shouldn’t be allowed to opperate.

  5. The BoE has nothing to do with eikaiwas. I guess you could record the abuse and leak it online or to a news outlet if you really wanna fuck them over. E.g. when a Canadian teacher was filmed smacking and throwing kids at a kindergarten.

  6. None of these commentors are trying to help you, except the few that suggested quitting. You asked, “how can I help the kids?”

    I would try to speak out more during the class, don’t let the son lead the class, you are the native speaker, you are there for the purpose of teaching, put yourself in between the students and the abusive teacher. You will become the target, hopefully, but you are an adult that can stand up for yourself.

    If that isn’t possible, make sure to give lots of praise to the students and treat them kindly, especially when they are doing well. If they are struggling with something help them through it and be extra encouraging. Do this loudly and obviously, and make sure to make eye contact with the other teacher when you do.

    I don’t recommend reaching out to the parents unless it’s to solicit them so you can teach their children on your own, and only do that if your contract doesn’t have a non-compete clause. If you need more help or someone to talk to about your situation, please feel free to DM me.

  7. Had the same experience a while ago. Ahole US owner making kids cry in class then telling me to step in and take over. Teachers were fully stressed and one suicided. Got out of there ASAP but completed jaded me and I hate the private English school industry because of this experience. As far as I know the dip$$it was still operating for a few years after, but don’t know now.

    Get out of there ASAP to keep your sanity.

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