Weekend Stupid Questions Thread – 24 June 2023

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Been asked to get a friend’s kid ( 9 y.o, huge trainspotter ) “leaflets about the Shinkansen” as a gift when I go home for the summer. Amazon has a lot of books on them in Japanese, just wondered if anyone knew of a fairly up to date one in English with photos, facts, etc. for that age group.

  2. Is there a site or a good way to go about researching travel plans that isn’t just googling? I find myself overwhelmed

  3. Is a complete disregard for health needs—particularly abstract health needs like 精神科, therapy, sleep disorders—a Japanese cultural/social thing or an individual thing?

    I’m finding that my personal values regarding health and QoL are always at odds with the Japanese I befriend or date, with the typical logic being “if everyone does it then it cannot be bad.” But being an introvert my sample size isn’t big enough to determine group tendency vs me being shit at choosing people.

  4. Which site do you guys use to book hotels when traveling within Japan. I am planning to visit Okinawa

  5. Has anyone gotten into “lemmy”? It looks like an interesting alternative to reddit. I’m looking for other options out there since I don’t want to use the ad infested official reddit app once Apollo closes.

  6. Been waiting all week for the stupid questions thread! We just moved into a new house with toilets that have a little mini-sink instead of a tank on the back, so you can wash your hands with the new incoming water. The water seems to run much longer than needed, though, and the sink basin is so small that quite a bit of water splashes out while hand washing. Does anyone have experience with these sink/toilets? Can I adjust how long the water runs for? Or do you have a system for cleaning it up? I’ve been considering keeping a second hand towel nearby… one to dry hands and one to give the sink basin and seat surface a quick swipe.

    Thoughts? Thanks!

  7. Is it fairly common to be asked to be at the office while your boss WFH/go hybrid?

  8. What is a decent salary for a startup company in Kyoto? I’ve entered the negotiation phase with a company in the tech field. My role would be an analyst

  9. How depressed are defence lawyers here?

    I mean, they still get paid, I think?

    But one has to wonder how they manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory so consistently.

    What happens ~~when~~ if one actually wins?

  10. Has anyone ever been to Gassan ski in summer? Or do anyone has a favourite ski station for summer (hokkaido included)?

    I have bought some really good second hand skis and I want to try them out asap!

  11. Has anyone purchased some small property that “no one wants” for cheap? I really want some small land to go camping in as I’m tired of paying ¥3000 to ¥8000 a night to camp at auto camps.

    I’m curious on the process for finding unwanted land for cheap as well as an general idea of cost

  12. So the sliding door to my kitchen is one of those heavy wooden framed shoji with glass panels.

    I love the frame but every few months we seem to find a way to smash another glass panel.

    I really want to keep the frame but get rid of the glass.

    Is there a regularly used plastic alternative or something?

  13. Do you think the world will end once the US converts to a forced digital currency?

  14. The まわりゃんせ discount ticket from Kintetsu is such a good deal. It includes limited express, local ferry, local buses, entries to so many places in Mie. Cost of ticket is around 10k, but value was like 40k. I saw a lot of folks using it too. So my question is:
    For Kyushu, Shikoku, or lower Honshu, are there any tickets of similar value that can be used by residents?

  15. Our friend’s beloved dog died suddenly, and we were invited to the wake tonight. I have never been to a Japanese wake or funeral in general, much less one for a pet. Does anyone know the proper etiquette?

  16. What’s going on with property values here? An acquaintance is saying his place has skyrocketed in value recently. Is this across the board? Is it cause for concern if you aren’t on the property ladder yet?

  17. What exactly is the インボイス制度about? Jp Twitter accounts I’m following are freaking out about it

  18. Anyone mind sharing their skin care routine?

    I’m having the worst break out on my face this summer, so looking for any recommendations.

  19. Is there any less restricted japanlife sub?

    I just see a post about CokeOn group. The post is already deleted. Although I am not joining that, it is quite interesting to me.

  20. Any recommendations for tailors in Tokyo who can alter a suit competently?

    Gained 2-3 pandemic kilos like everyone else during the pandy and would prefer to avoid having to buy new clothes for a wedding.

  21. I found a couple apps and websites to browse hello work job postings. If I go in person are there more postings?

  22. Is anyone else feeling this weather is making them sick? I feel sleepy, stomach aches, cold won’t go away and moody and irritable on top of that. I normally don’t like the rainy days but now I long for some rainy weather because I feel the air pressure and humidity are literally making me ill.

  23. Anyone watching Titanic tonight on フジテレビ? I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I’ve particularly been in the mood to watch it recently.

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