After many years, I finally found some food I couldn’t actually stomach

I like to think I’m quite adventurous with food and I will try anything you offer me, at least once.

Most of the infamous foods here I don’t mind… Natto? I eat everyday for breakfast… Basashi? Fucking awesome. Shirako? Eh… Just don’t think too much about it, it’s good tempura… Even shiokara or sazae I don’t mind as chasers for some strong shochu or awamori.

But yesterday I finally tried those fish sausages wrapped in plastic and dear God in heavens, how the fuck do people enjoy those? I thought maybe it was a spam situation, where frying it makes it much better, but that shit just stank my whole kitchen and made me retch. There’s a reason sausage making countries in Europe dont fuck with fish, that stuff is vile…

  1. タガメ is the only thing I have tried and abhor, but I don’t go out of my way to find fish sausage.

  2. Can’t stand natto and the other stuff you listed but the fish sausages are fine, I like them.

  3. Have you tried Konnyaku yet? Shredded condom-textured garbage, to me at least.

    I can’t stomach it at all due to its texture, unless it’s in shirataki form. Basically the one thing I absolutely cannot eat here.

  4. Those ones that come in the packs of otsumami with cheese and squid and jerky? Meh, they’re ok after a few drinks. Can’t say they’re particularly nice though.

  5. My grocery store recently started carrying sea pineapples ( ホヤ ). I’m thinking I’ll pass on them.

  6. I don’t mind it at all. Almost everything is fine. But Shiokara? Daaaaaamn…

    For me, even the most traditional Japanese don’t like it, but just eat it as a challenge or something like that. There’s no way for that not be a kind of a challenge! Lmao

  7. I eat those fish sausage for breakfast almost every morning, maybe I’ll eat two sticks of them

  8. I was expecting you to say Kusaya or something but fish sausage sort of took me by surprise because it’s so tame compared to the other things mentioned

  9. What!? Fish sausages are great! They’re also a very versatile ingredient. Almost like a healthier and cheaper alternative to real sausage. You can just slice it and have it in a vegetable stir fry, or fried rice. Also goes well with eggs to make an omelette.

  10. Eating it hot sounds gross, now that you say it.

    I’ve only had it cold, and Also would prefer natto

  11. wife bought them for toddler. I smelt it and it was vile.

    I’m a very picky eater but that stuff is a big nope.

  12. I’ve had them before…tolerable, but I definitely would not go out of my way to eat them again.

    The only thing I absolutely refuse to eat here (so far) is chicken sashimi. I was out for dinner with friends once and they ordered it, and *shock* they all got food poisoning after. Not sure what they were expecting would happen…

  13. How do you feel about kusaya? I personally like it. Though I had kusaya fish heart once, and that was pretty rank.

  14. Well, now you’re the only person I know who can’t handle ギョニソ, interesting…

  15. Shirasu odorigui was my breaking point. Just tiny live fish swimming in a glass. I literally could not even picture myself eating it. I couldn’t make the image even enter my brain.

  16. wtf is with the natto hate in this thread

    I’m with you op natto is a great breakfast food

  17. For me it’s sea cucumber. It’s like really difficult to chew seawater. I don’t dig it.

  18. what’s about it that you couldnt stomach 魚肉ソーセージ compared to things like natto. Curious because 魚肉ソーセージ has no strong smell not does it have any kind of strong taste. I hope you didnt eat the plastic with it…

  19. I ate them once and wouldn’t eat it again, but not the worst thing I’ve eaten. Ha

  20. The only thing that I really can’t eat is oden.
    Hate that crap beyond belief

  21. >But yesterday I finally tried those fish sausages wrapped in plastic and dear God in heavens, how the fuck do people enjoy those?

    魚肉ソーセージ, right? I have a theory that everything you eat as a kid, you either like or at least you are neutral towards it. And if parents are smart, they give you as many things to eat as possible. I think this sausage is popular food for kids around here.

    Disclaimer, I had a very limited diet when I was little, so I hate those as well. Along with like half of local cuisine. People always wonder why I like Japan so much and cannot eat sushi at the same time.

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