I really forget how well new japan can make videos like this. This Video has me so hyped for their match on Sunday.

I really forget how well new japan can make videos like this. This Video has me so hyped for their match on Sunday.

  1. I wish they did more supplementary content like this – it just makes the story so much richer and most guys in the company have proven they’re adept at these sorts of interviews

    Chris Charlton does great setting the stage for major matches on commentary but I would love more Showbuckle-style content (like the Recount) building up the narratives more – there’s so much history, character motivations, and speculation on top of that that could elevate things even more

    I know they tend to not explicitly map out what a story is about to leave room for interpretation but if they delivered things in a talking heads-style opinionated piece, like on commentary, it just gives us more perspectives to consider to get us more invested

  2. I’m sure these take time and resources and people don’t want to spend them on things like this… but holy fuck are these videos effective at getting me hyped for a match.

  3. I really enjoy how much this video pretty much sets expectations for the upcoming match from a storytelling standpoint.

    Ospreay emphasizes how much the Turnbuckle DDT spot was the end of his chances of winning that match, so I expect that spot to be teased heavily at FD2. He also talks about the damage in his right shoulder, which I expect Kenny to target like a shark. Finally, he says that his Aerial Assassin self had too many exploitable traits that led to his downfall, and that the pressure to be the hero of New Japan also ruined his mental game. So come FD2, expect a more focused, merciless and more vicious Ospreay to face Kenny for the US title.

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